It was a little odd that Ryan was the one more obviously uncomfortable with the idea of them, or at least them being exposed; after all, he hadn't been fed opinions and rules all his life, and yet he was enforcing them for himself anyway. No one had ever outright told him to think a certain way about anything, but he attended public school and definitely picked up on how his peers felt about different issues - especially when other boys were totally comfortable calling each other different slurs and insulting one another based primarily on sexuality. The reason he evaded Brendon after their first kiss, though, wasn't just that; he was actually scared for his friend. What if he got caught? He'd heard horror stories of families disowning their kids for much less. And if it wasn't that, Brendon would at least get hurt, and Ryan had never had to help that large of a wound heal. Ryan wasn't even as scared of his own dad's potential reaction as he was of Brendon's family's. But Brendon was sort of reckless, didn't seem to care much about what could happen to him, so maybe it was good that Ryan worried for the both of them. [i]Says[/i] you. True. Ryan was sort of incredibly dramatic when he needed to be. Even still, he didn't like the accusation, so he raised his eyebrows at Brendon, affronted. Since they were both evidently in a dumb lovestruck mood, he wisely shut the door - only to be received by Brendon grinning all-knowingly. [i]Wow, want some privacy?[/i] [b]"[i]Yes[/i],"[/b] Ryan replied, half exasperated, but he was still smiling brazenly, so it couldn't've been all that bad. He joined Brendon beside the bed shortly after, still unsure about joining him even after years of having been that close just platonically, but he supposed that's what change did to a person. In any case, he was moving past the timid stage slowly but surely, for the time being just allowing his fingers to drag through Brendon's hair gently. An expert at navigating Brendon's jokes by now, he tried supplying his own, only to find that he could be bested again. [i]Okay, but then who [/i]else[i] would give you a boner during a sermon?[/i] Ryan looked at Brendon's profile, all he could see, with something akin to horror, and clutched the edge of the mattress. [b]"Hey, gross, that hasn't [i]actually[/i] happened. Don't abuse your power over me,"[/b] he laughed after a pause to recuperate, shoving Brendon lightly by the shoulder in retaliation. Brendon faced him again moments later, apparently taking no issue with Ryan calling him on his very inappropriate house-of-God behavior. [i]Worth it, though, huh? Say yes.[/i] Ryan sighed, long-suffering, and studied him for a few beats. [b]"Yeah, fine, you're worth everything. I hate it."[/b] He suppressed a smile that threatened to accompany his pretend-sadness while he clambered over, easily slotting into the space Brendon made for him. After a few moments, Brendon responded to Ryan pointing the remote at him, accepting it as if he'd actually been activated. Ryan caught him when he leaned back, wrapping his arms around his waist and smoothing his hands over his chest absently while he watched the screen change. It took basically no time at all for him to give in, and the remote was back in Ryan's hand. [i]I’m not sure.[/i] Ryan blinked, leaned over his shoulder to look at him while he played with Ryan's hoodie toggles. [b]"I see, you never had anything in mind in the first place. Sneaky."[/b] Ryan sat back after kissing his cheek amusedly, flicking through again blankly. It really wasn't like they were going to watch, but if he admitted to that by picking at random or not picking at all, well. That'd be admitting they were as useless as they seemed. So. [i]Put on whatever you want.[/i] [b]"Hm,"[/b] Ryan murmured, not paying attention, eyes fixed still on the screen while Brendon just barely kissed him. Still looking past him, he chased his lips, to no avail. [i]You're cute. I missed you.[/i] Decidedly, Ryan landed on their 'Watch It Again' list, and of course Ferris Bueller was the supreme choice. He dropped the remote on the mattress and actually turned his attention to Brendon, hands fitting back around his waist naturally. [b]"So you've said. I wonder if we'll ever be the kind of people who can go a whole day not seeing one another and be fine."[/b] Regardless, his hands still lifted to frame Brendon's face, brushing hair back and looking him over fondly. He lowered his voice, not really thinking about it. [b]"But, I missed you too. Obviously."[/b] Ryan shifted to holding the back of his neck and his shoulder, kissing him properly finally, and withheld the urge to audibly congratulate himself on no longer making this weird every time. [b]"I'll just move in here and we won't have this problem again. Look, your twin bed perfectly fits both of us, it's fine."[/b]