New roleplayer here! Well, new to the forums, not new to roleplay. I've been roleplaying over... well, jeez, over 15 years when I stop and think about it. I've gone from forums to MMOs, to IMs/Skype, then to Tumblr, and now back to forums. Compared to most of the other mediums I've been on, the pacing of forum roleplay is much more manageable to me. But that aside, I do a variety of roleplays, from 1x1 to smaller groups, fandom-based or entirely original constructions, mostly in the realm of fantasy but I branch out into other genres, too. My favorite fandoms are YGO, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Age, Blue Exorcist, Saiki K., and Red vs. Blue, among many, many others. Feel free to chat me up about any of these, either for roleplay or just because!