[color=FF0000][i]I am inside someone's throat. Hello epiglottis, hello larynx. You know, it's been a long day. I am inside someone's throat. Good night epiglottis, good night larynx. I am inside someone's throat. I. Am. Inside. SOMEONE'S. THROAT.[/i][/color] [quote=@Duoya] [color=a36209]"I-if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to be let down at once."[/color] [/quote] Annatar's crumpled body floated up limply and magically transformed into his humanoid form. He was pinching the bridge of his nose trying to figure out what to do. [quote=@Menhir] [color=a2d39c]"Oh Dog~gies~!"[/color], Maricola shouted, singsong, as it stepped into the concrete-and-sheet-metal room full of caged, terrified animals, [color=a2d39c]"We're here to pla~ay~!"[/color] [/quote] [color=FF0000]"Hey, Maricola, I think Dr. Minaccia would like to play with the dogs too! But he can't unless you let go of him. How about it, let's all play with the doggies!"[/color] Annatar attempted to coax Maricola into releasing the poor child. He didn't know how he was going to explain letting one of his classmates die on vacation, though knowing the school, maybe they wouldn't care. he walked over to her engorged fist and tapped at it, hoping she'd let go.