[b]Innocence Lost[/b] Natasha's starship, the [i]Xuanxang[/i], was everything a would-be rebel could ask for. With comfortable crew quarters, decent guns and a couple of missile launchers, a kitchen and several holds for legal and illegal cargo, it was her new pride and joy. And it came with an AI made up of nanomachines, too! She smiled as she opened the door, a bottle of hard liquor in her right hand. Turning towards her crew, she said, "All right, time to meet those former Ascendancy Super-soldiers!" The Human didn't know that the Super-soldiers were just children. She didn't know of the deeper political mysteries that revolved around said children. All that she knew was that she'd attain her revenge soon, and Moonstrike will help her do it. ------ John Green and his band of former child soldiers made for an interesting sight, especially Stella, who violated several common Human taboos by exhibiting her cybernetic parts. As they walked towards the [i]Xuanxang[/i], John remembered the Rau've caretaker telling them about Moonstrike, and how although there was something 'dubious' about them, that they were probably the best chance to get the revenge or closure the group craved. And so John would take it with both hands, and move forwards, to wherever the path led. And as he approached the small frighter, John saw Natasha moving her hand in a 'shoo-ing' motion. A smirk. Didn't she know they were who her crew had been looking for? ------ Two boys, one with makeup, and two girls, one with cybernetics. What were they doing in a rough place like this part of the Galactic Bazaar? Well, nevertheless, they were not doing a babysitting job here - they had some supersoldiers to wait for! The children's leader, a young man of about eighteen years old, chose to neglect her shoo-ing motion, and Natasha noticed that he was armed, though not that heavily. But so what? That just meant he was prepared for a fight; so was she. The Captain repeated her shoo-ing motion, then said to John, "Go away; this isn't a day-care service." In response to that, the young man would only say, "Natasha Zhang, commander of the Heavy Cruiser [i]Agincourt[/i]. Dishonorably discharged from Ascendancy of Man service for failing to follow orders correctly and dereliction of Duty." A smile. "My name is John Green and these are my...fellowship. One or two of your crewmembers can confirm our identities, but basically, we're the supersoldiers you're looking for. May we come in?" Polite words, but Natasha was not going to lose face that easily. So she asked, "What's the password?" John's answer was, "Diana's Bow is married to Thoth's Wisdom in chaste union." A sigh from Natasha as she said, "Come in; let's have dinner." [@Gentlemanvaultboy][@OrkytheOrc][@Starlance][@Bartimaeus][@Stern Algorithm][@Crowvette][@KillamriX88]