[center][color=0076a3][h1][b]Angelina Flores[/b][/h1][/color][/center] Angelina crashed upon the twin sized bed with a sigh, looking up at the ceiling with azure eyes. It had been a loooooooooong flight to Rome, and she'd been too excited to sleep. She'd never been on a plane before, and that was a thrill all on it's own. Though it could scarcely compare to the reason she was in Rome in the first place. [color=0076a3]"The Holy Grail..."[/color] Angelina raised her right hand and looked at the sigils currently tattooed upon it. She hadn't asked for this, for any of it. Hell, she couldn't even think of what she'd do with the grail if she somehow managed to obtain it. The grail for whatever reason had picked her out of the thousands of mages in the world. Regardless, the fact remained that she was a participant, whether she liked it or not. She would fight in this war, if only to make sure the outcome was as bloodless as possible. Was it naive for her to think a victimless war was possible? Probably, but that would hardly stop her from trying to achieve just that. With another sigh Angelina forced herself out of bed. She was tired and wanted to rest, but there was something she had to absolutely do first, summon her servant. The idea of having a servant was a strange idea to her in the first place, but she understood it was necessary to participate in the Holy Grail War. She stood on the side of her bed and lifted a suitcase onto it. When it came to summoning something like a servant Angelina had very little knowledge or any experience in doing so. Fortunately her father had been more than helpful in explaining how something like this should be done. He'd even provided her with a catalytic which she could use to summon a heroic spirit. She honestly had no idea what it was or how her father even obtained it, she never asked. In fact she had no idea what it even looked like. Using a key also provided by her father, she opened the suitcase with a click. Inside she found a...sword? It was in fact a rather well crafted and sleek looking weapon, Angelina wasn't particularly familiar with swords, so she found it rather interesting. She carefully took out the weapon and looked it over. [color=0076a3]"I wonder what kind of person my servant will be...I hope we get along..."[/color] It would be rather unfortunate if her partner in all this madness was disagreeable. There was only one way to find out. She put the sword away as she locked the door and then started preparing the magic circle. Once the circle was complete she placed the ancient sword in its center and stood back. As she began to chant the incantation, the circle began to glow... [@XmasForJuan]