The second that the Captain made the call, Tiral quickly began to shine the light off his ice towards the other side of the forest before stepping into action. Drawing his dagger and quickly casting an incantation, the mage-knight took a deep breath and extended his free hand towards the enemy encampment. It'd take a moment for the orcs to mount a defense, all things considered, but he would have preferred if his own ploy could have been done with less noise... So to speak. It didn't take long for the ice to snake its way through the enemy encampment, causing the ground to become slippery and the orcs to begin to fumble and trip over one another. Of course, this meant that their cover was all but gone, and Tiral assumed that whatever was being shouted in their tongue right now was some sort of warning to everyone else. In other words, it was now or never to charge in. "I've given the signal, Captain. Lead the way," he stated, tucking away his dagger and drawing his sword in preparation for the charge. "It'll only take so long for their forces to recover, but it's not the orcs that we should be worrying about, after all..."