[hider=Kiana Brightwater][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/90/00/7f/90007fee6370db9b910eafdd8022a7cc.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180820/f5ca037aa0e51f9fad5534269e557a80.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=617073][b]Name:[/b][/color] Kiana Brightwater [color=617073][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=617073][b]Age:[/b][/color] 19 Winters [color=617073][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'5" [color=617073][b]Hair Color:[/b][/color] Blonde [color=617073][b]Eye Color:[/b][/color] Gray [color=617073][b]Relatives:[/b][/color] [i][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/13/f8/88/13f88828aa11cfdd1145e3cd1ba03399.jpg]Richard Adair[/url] - Step Father - King Regent[/i] [i][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/20/35/4b/20354bd488d054475746272988c92488.jpg]Feyre Adair[/url] - Mother - Queen Regent[/i] [i][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c0/e1/10/c0e110a47a115456800ce690fc1e1782.jpg]Silas Adair[/url] - Step Brother - Prince[/i] [i][s][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/cc/a7/d6cca7e1d0cc3fcc80d02ea97940dea7.jpg]Leon Brightwater[/url] - Father - Former King - Deceased[/s][/i] [/center] [hr][color=617073][b]History:[/b][/color] Kiana was born one snowy morning high in the cliffs of the Sanoria mountains, within the stone walls of the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/d3/a9/1a/d3a91a483a3c108d6824265c259a20bb--fantasy-castle-fantasy-art.jpg]The Moon Keep[/url]. Her father, King Leon, was so overcome with joy that he threw a feast that lasted a full month and encouraged all the citizens of his empire to attend and celebrate the birth of his first born child. Kiana's mother, Queen Feyra, was a little less enthused because the child was a girl and she had wanted a son for her first born, but seemed happy regardless. The young princess's father doted on her and raised his girl with the same opportunities he would have given a son. Then when it became increasingly apparent that he and his wife could not conceive another child, he set about grooming the girl to take his place after his passing. He hired the finest tutors to teach her diplomacy, how to manage funds, and battle tactics, while at the same time having her attend regular fencing and archery practices. Queen Feyra humored her husband because she loved him dearly, but often worried her daughter would become too wild and headstrong to find a suitable suitor when she came of age, so she did her best to make sure the girl had an education in the finer arts as well. Kiana took to this as well and found that she loved having afternoon tea in a gorgeous gown just as much as she adored practicing her bowmanship from the back of her horse. And so the first twelve years of the young princess's life were filled with laughter, kindness, and love from both her parents and her subjects alike. But all good things must end, and during her thirteenth winter her father became ill and died after weeks of battling his sickness. Both the queen and princess were devastated at this sudden loss and the kingdom went into a period of mourning. Kiana was still a child, so it was decided that her mother would rule as Queen Regent until her daughter came of age at twenty years. Kiana's education continued, but without her father to advocate for her training in combat, Queen Feyre began dismissing her teachers and eventually out right banned everything but archery in attempt to keep her daughter scar free. Her mother became so obsessed with keeping her daughter blemish free and finding her a husband that by her fifteenth year Kiana was confined to the castle grounds at all times, no longer allowed to even take her horse out on evening rides despite having armed escorts. In the meantime King Richard from the southern valley kingdom of Rondiha began worming his way into the Queen Regent's good graces and within the year they were married. Richard had naturally assumed that with this union he would become king of both Rondiha and Sanoria, with his first born son Silas taking on the mantle in his passing, so he was absolutely [b]livid[/b] when he found out he would only bare the title of King Regent until his step daughter came of age, when she would claim the title of Queen for herself. The culture in Rondiha was very much different from that of Sanoria and women were believed to be feeble minded and thus unsuitable for ruling a kingdom. Feyre, desperate to appease her new husband, proposed a compromise; when Kiana came of age on her twentieth name day, she would wed Prince Silas and unite both kingdoms for good. At first Kiana agreed to this as she was only a sixteen year old girl and she was enraptured by the twenty year old Prince Silas's good looks and prowess on the battlefield, but as time went by she began to realize the full extent of his cruelty. He would blow up at his future bride over the smallest of things and whenever he'd catch her reading a book he'd rip it from her hands and tell her women weren't meant to know such things. The final straw came one afternoon when she was out in the courtyard practicing her marksmanship and Silas caught her. The prince stole the bow, which had been a gift from her late father, and stomped it into the ground until it snapped in half. To say that Kiana snapped was an understatement. The princess went feral and tackled the man to the ground. By the time the guards broke them up Silas had scratches down his face and a bloody lip while Kiana had a rather impressive black eye to show for the scuffle. Kiana announced then and there, in front of the entire courtyard, that she would never marry the prince and when she became Queen he would be banished from the kingdom so she would never have to look at his face again. Both the King and Queen Regent tried to convince her otherwise but on this subject the princess would not be swayed. Now Kiana is only a month away from her twentieth name day where she will be crowned as the true monarch and King Regent Richard is scheming of ways to get his hateful step-daughter out of the picture. Feyre was hesitant at first, but now her husband has slowing been poisoning the Queen Regent against her daughter for years now, so now she too is willing to do whatever it takes to see Silas take the thrown. [hr][/hider]