The Breton didn't want to disturb Markus as he lay back. She had had far too much fun watching him swing at those guards. She merely stood at the door to his cell, leaning against it with an elbow resting on the bars. She held out a hand into his cage - knowing that the door was hoping, wondering if her did. He held out the keys to him on her finger, and watching him come up for air. "Well, that was exhilarating to watch," she purred in a soft tone to him, "but [i]you[/i] may have to deal with some more. I hope you're ready and capable." She took the opportunity while he was lying on his back to eye up him in his entirety. He was tall, strong, and his face was rather handsome. Maybe she could have a little more fun with this one. It had been a while since she had fun with someone, and there was no better time than now. She was still in his company, at least until they had gotten out into the wild. Maybe then they would go their separate ways. But until then... "So how do you propose we continue our great escape, Markus?" She wanted him to believe he was the brains of the operation, men liked it when they felt in control and when a man was happy to be in control, he was easily exploited.