[center][h1][color=a187be]Ailanthus_Altissima[/color][/h1]• The Dungeon •[/center][hr] After making it through the door, Tessa doubled over, putting her hands on her knees, panting from the anxiety. Momentarily deactivating her spells so she could rely on her passive mana regeneration instead of constantly chugging potions, which she noted, now had a taste that she was very quickly getting tired of. [quote=@Superboy] [color=red]"Anybody dead yet?"[/color] [/quote] [color=a187be]"Yup, just gonna, lay down, right here, and expire,"[/color] Tessa said with a bit of sarcastic triumph. The worst was over right? [quote=@Inkarnate] [color=A84B5E]“What are the odds we have to go back in there? Or that the room is the key to all of this? Like, I don't want to go back in. I'm just trying to think how we're supposed to handle this. What the goal is outside of killing us. Every dungeon has a goal to solving it. Otherwise there'd be no world to fight in. So, like, what's the purpose of that room? It's too large to simply be a trap, is what I'm thinking.”[/color] [/quote] [quote=@Superboy] [color=red]"Well, uh...There were four'a these big ass doors. So I'm thinkin' either the road splits off in a bunch'a other directions, or all of 'em lead back in there. The ceiling was grated too, like you'd see on a drain. What, Red, you think those things were guardin' somethin'? Like a way out?"[/color] [/quote] Tessa knew Rael was right. having spent so much time herself pondering about positional advantages and tactical placement, she knew Rael was right. Tessa's brain knew, but her mouth didn't. She was about to give the redheaded spearwoman a piece of her mind when FUCKIN' VICAR AMELIA Kool-Aid Mans its way through the door. [color=a187be]"他妈的鸟!!"[/color] Tessa swore, taking a step away from the crashed ope gate. For a moment, the thought to run crossed her mind. These fools seemed dumb enough to engage, so they might buy her enough time to find the exit by herself. She took another step back. [i]Dammit[/i]. [color=a187be]"Shit, give me some time to get my spells up!"[/color] She called out shakily, as she began erecting her auras one by one, starting with the protective ones, then the control ones, and finally the damage ones. She only hoped those on the front could hold out long enough.