[@Hokum] [i]-Donny took the transect and strapped it to his left wrist just above the other. Having two couldn't hurt. He ignored the cigar, and just nodded to the robot.-[/i] [b]"Sure, sure. Do kindleh take meh to the 18th floor. Ah'll not need long."[/b] [i]-He'd begin exploring the interface of his new transect, again looking for an internet. He was no longer interested in learning more about Dino. He already knew what he'd do to handle that situation. More pressing was finding out about Pycin. He didn't expect the Grand Minister to keep his word, least of all to a murderous loose-cannon outsider. First and foremost was survival. Donny could feel it, that pressure. Here he was once more, standing at the edge. Below, thousands of meters into the darkness, lay a carpet of rotting bones. Somewhere there above the precipice was an unseen lifeline, a tightrope to walk. He'd have to sense it with his gut, predict it with his mind more than see it. If he relied on sight alone he may fall. No safety net, only a brisk drop into the cold nether. It wasn't the first time he'd been here. Donny spoke softly to himself, barely whispering.- [/i] [b]>"Well old frahnd... Hello again."<[/b]