[hider=Man with a Mission][center][img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/blazblue/images/1/1d/Kazuma_Kuvaru.png/revision/latest?cb=20171120222401 [/img] [h3][u] Teodosie Tomas Istaairyf[/u][/h3] [b] [u][b][h2]Character Information[/h2][/b] [/u]Title(s): [/b]Coined Gun, Made-Man [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age: [/b]57 [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Rank:[/b] Cause [b]Personality [/b] A man who does not live too properly, which is perhaps proper as his place as a deviation from the norm. He recognizes both the values of normal people, and that of his fellow magi. Yet he does not quite live in a way that chooses either. In a sense he has a feeling of being an outsider, a deviant. Or perhaps it would be better to call him an observer. Someone who can see the shape of something in its whole without devoting himself to it. His ability to discern and analyze is therefore rather wide. Oddly he does not seem to consider his path an obligation or a duty. To save the world, to prove his family’s directions worth is something he personally enjoys. Related to such, he holds himself in a high esteem. One could say that he is prideful in himself, yet to take pride in something one was given, born with rather than one's work may be something that twists him away from most people and their values of worth as well. All in all something about him can be a slight bit offputting, making him perhaps a bit hard to trust. [b]Objective for the Grail [/b] If he were to attain the Grail then it would likely go towards used towards a project. However his concern is not the Grail War, but rather to be a scout for the institute, while also searching for information on the status of the first agent sent, Peregrinus. If need be his duty is to destroy any traces of Peregrinus, along with the products of Atlas that said unit has brought outside of the Pit. ..But maybe, now that he thinks about it. He could do [b][i]That[/i][/b] [b]Bio[/b] A member of the Istaairyf of the Atlas Academy. He is both a product, and member of the family, born as part of the pursuit after the beginning of their deviation from being those who make weapons to those who make themselves into weapons. A designer baby. A child born with modified DNA. In a sense it is the designing and creation of a human with desired traits. A specialized existence. Yet one cannot confuse it for the coining of a homunculus. For the results are undoubtedly a human. Having gone on tasks before for the Academy, both as a means to see more of the world, and also to try and prove the validity of his family’s direction, and by extension, his own existence in the field. With the line of contact with the unit designated as the latest Peregrinus lost, a new set of eyes in Fuyuki to evaluate the situation that has grown to become a concern for the supernatural community was seen as needed. [hider=Command Seal] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/blazblue/images/5/55/Hazama_%28Emblem%2C_Crest%29.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/505?cb=20111127121430[/img][/hider] [u][h2][b]Magical Information[/b][/h2] [/u][b]Magic Circuit Switch:[/b] The computation required to adjust his own measurements into the ideal human proportions. [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] D [b]Quality of Magic Circuits: [/b]C While his magic circuits cannot be called amazing, compared to many of the Atlas Academy they are of a quality that could be said to be above-average. It is a result of investing into circuit quality, but not holding it as the highest of priorities. Furthermore his are specialized for the purpose of being utilized with the body, and as such his body parts are better than average as catalysts. In a way it could be said it very well suits his purposes. [b]Elemental Affinity: [/b]Earth and Fire [b]Origin:[/b] Intersection and Fork [h3][b]Magecraft[/b][/h3] [b]Witchcraft[/b] A section of Witchcraft centered around using parts of his own body. Hair can be turned into deadly needles, teeth can become a explosive fragment grenade. Nails can be turned into bullets. Teodosie is specialized in the arts of utilizing one’s body for magecraft, and also using one’s body as a medium to deliver magecraft. Not in the sense of angels and how they preserve mystery, but as actual vessels. It is similar to a certain Japanese girl, or fox’s arts in a way. With fire he is able to convert life energy into heat/generate heat within his body parts. With his earth affinity he better binds curses, magecraft, and other attributes to his bodyparts to make them into specialized tools. The creations of the Istaairyf are weapons. Their weapons are their own selves. Primarily he is focused on the utilization of his nails as bullets, both as the vehicle to deliver curses and also as cursed bullets themselves. His body, and nails have been treated so as to regrow and be prepared to fire as an automatic process. The concept is related to the Scandanivan Curse of Gandr, but not the same. It is also similar to a certain freelancer magus and his bullets derived from fingers. Augmented and permeated with magical energy, the sheer force alone is comparable to the ordinances of the modern day. As an aside, while it already is implied, he also holds the ability to cast curses in general. [b]Necromancery[/b] Rather than the art of bringing corpses to life as servants and beings, it is the repurposement of the body parts into artifacts and spells. While this could be said to overlap with his witchcraft to an extent, the underlying principles are more rather bringing out the potential of the body, and utilizing its meaning. A hand will ward off curses. A finger will curse and bring illness. A heart will contain life within death (underworld). A liver would regenerate or show the future. Rather than something that utilizes the body as a medium, it is something that treats the parts of the body as potential tools and brings out their meaning along that vein as the forefront. As such it is no surprise that the Istaairyf mix with such a craft perfectly. [b]Flash Air/Displacement[/b] Derived from western alchemy. It is nonetheless something that Toto has decided to take use of as a tool for his talents. While not on the level of a family that specializes in this magecraft to the extent that the container of the soul, or one's mental energy/spirit can be exchanged with ease, what Teodosie is able to calculate and analyze can be displaced. Often it is utilized with his nails as anchors and beacons to help facilitate the process better. It is also possible to transmit the effect of one's body to an area within one's "line of sight" (perception) [b]Atlas Staples/Thought Acceleration and Thought Partition[/b] To divide the body and the mind is a thing considered foolish. The brain does not exist as a control unit for the body. Rather the body exists to increase the effectiveness of the brain's functions. So is the philosophy of the Atlas Alchemists who utilize all parts of the body, and the soul along with the mind as a unit for calculation. In other words they are living computers. The power of the human brain is an obscenely powerful calculation unit, and in this time there is no computation device born of science that can match it. In its optimized state the ability of the human body as a computation device would stand supreme even in the modern age of the early 21th century. The maximum partitions capable by Teodosie numbers four. [b]Crest:[/b] N/A as an Atlas Alchemist. [b]Weapon: [/b] Himself. To elaborate on that... The hardware, or rather the parameters of Teodosie are, without a doubt, human. However he has been made to ensure traits that are useful for his purpose, including a reflex and reaction time that could be called higher than average, exceptional natural eyesight, and a generally fit and healthy physiology. [b]Mystic Code(s)[/b] [b]Analysis:Idris Graft (Foreign-Interior Psuedo-Spiritron Machine)[/b] A gift/tool given to Teodosie as an agent who has left the Giant's Pit before, and the support deemed suitable for this mission at its current level. The alchemists of Atlas do not use magic crests, the means of preserving mystery of the west. In the first place it is simply not something that is required for them. However as part of his specialization Teodosie has integrated something foreign into his body for a function. It is not a matter of having something to calculate in place of the mind, but rather a analysis machine that works together with the body. Together with his own mind and capabilities it is also able to give birth to what he considers his trump card. Further information is currently sealed. [b]Exceptional Benefit: Supply Line[/b]An agent of the Atlas Academy. With the loss of contact with the first sent agent, and the growing worries about the ritual in the Giant’s Pit . Teodosie has been sent as a second agent, on a mission that is more than just a scouting mission. However the news that has spread to the magical world must be verified first-hand. With further information and analysis required the level of need and extents of support are still kept to a lower level. A contact/information line is provided. Along with the supplies of a rudimentary budget, and a starting set of code support. While the Istaairyf are considered oddities within the Atlas Academy, it is precisely because of their nature that Teodosie was sent as the second agent. In a sense the body of Teodoise could be said to be his weapon, yet the fact remains that as a member of the Academy that it is their knowledge and creations that are what defeats strong foes. It can simply be said that his creations are based around the self. That they are not men that are machines that create weapons for a purpose, but rather men that are machines that modify themselves as weapons. Such is the deviation that they have taken after the discovery of the most terrible inevitable truth. One could say it is running away to deviate in such a manner. [h2][u][b]Setting[/b][/u][/h2] [hider=1 The Weight of The World] ???[/hider] [hider=2: The Unavoidable/Promised ***]???[/hider] [hider=3: Gift of the Prophet (Idris)]???[/hider] [/center] [/hider]