[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)[/h3][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Crash Site:[/color][/b] "Shouldn't be far" Ross said as the continued on their way. It was a good thing they had started to move because it wasn't too long after they stepped off the main air strip and into the woods that the fuel from the crash had found the fire and things started blowing up. I am talking big badda boom, Leeloo Dallas Multipass big badda boom style. Pieces hitting the trees and the ground, raining down around them. "Look out!" Ross yelled as he pulled her down and ducked himself, a piece of the plane flying right over their heads. This situation had been bad enough to start with but it was getting worse quickly. If they didn't move soon they could end up either getting hit by flying debris or the fire could spread and surround them. Both scenarios could easily mean death but burning to death was the least favorable of the ways to go that he could think of right then. [b][color=ed1c24]Funeral Home:[/color][/b] David nodded as he took notes on the pad, there was a moment of pause before he looked up at Riley and had to ask a question he really didn't want to. "Do you have power of attorney to make these choices or is there someone else we need to contact? I hate to have to ask you this and we could keep going but we wouldn't be able to do anything until we know for sure. Was she married? Or does she have a will that gives you power of attorney? Parents?" It sucked he had to ask these questions but it was part of the job. If she was married her spouse would have control over this, if she wasn't it would go to a parent or a child. If she had neither of those then it would go to next of kin, most likely the sister if there wasn't someone closer in age. "I know you were the one to arrange the transfer of her body from Justice but nothing besides her ID and death certificate came with her. I was hoping you could give some light into this. We haven't been contacted by anyone else." That meant the parents hadn't been notified either at this point, at least not by the funeral home and that meant most likely that the people in Justice hadn't either. Which really shouldn't be a surprise considering how things had gone down and the fact that Riley was rooming with the interim coroner for the county. This could end up being a lot more complicated than just picking out flowers and a box. [b][color=ed1c24]The Farm:[/color][/b] There wasn't a sound coming from the barn other than the sound of the fire and the wood cracking as it became weaker and weaker. Zoie grabbed a hold of her brother by the shoulders and tried to get him to move out of the way but he kept side stepping her and getting in her path. "Move it!" "No," he said as he grabbed her shoulders in turn. Zoie looked like she was in shock as the sounds of sirens moving down the street on the other side of the hill could be heard off in the distance. "What do you mean no? Move it!" she said about to body check him out of the way. "Running into that building won't solve anything." She looked dumb founded. "I was no..." she started to say but was cut off mid sentence. "Bullshit, you don't think you just do." [b][color=ed1c24]Queensguard:[/color][/b] Maria nodded. She knew the drill. Waiting for Keystone to show the way she followed and made sure that all the papers were taken care of. The sooner they got this taken care of the better in her mind. She did what was needed without issue. Taking a quick look at the papers. She wasn't worried about them. It wasn't that she trusted anyone there, it was because she wrote them initially, had them memorized and knew where to quick check them to make sure things had not been changed or were out of place. It wasn't long before everything was in the clear. She was now in charge, Keystone had a new position, everything was in order and she was active in the system for this area now. There was a bit of a tug at the corner of her lips as the last paper was signed before she righted herself and held out the pen to give back to Keystone. "Very good, get me," she started to say before stopping and sniffing the air slightly. "Nevermind. First things first. Change your son." Her eyes darted to the babies bottom and then the smell hit like a ton of bricks. Had they been feeding the baby chili? [b][color=ed1c24]Texas/Mexico Border:[/color][/b] How Natasha was able to still be holding on right then was anyones guess. Apparently being as stubborn as she was, was paying off. Granted from the amount of blood and the pain in her eyes it seemed like death would be a better option. "Two...killers..." she got out after more and more coughing. The words didn't come together. They were apart and there seemed to be words in between them that she tried to get out but couldn't manage to. There was a sound of sirens but they were still off. Her bag spilled out next to her, her phone ringing. On it was a picture of Natasha cuddled up with a [url=https://nyppagesix.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/andrew-lincoln.jpg]man[/url] and the name under it was Roberts. There was a list of calls between the two over the last two days. Had this been the fiance she had been talking to over the course of the trip so far?