Julio groaned angrily as Mike come in and did a disbanding demon expelling spell that would casue the demon to be forced to leave for about two days or so. she slowly went back to her horse and galloped off to the castle gently and went off to the castle "how is he doing?" she asked some guards slowly . her golden hair shines slightly in the setting sun. She walked in slowly findin the room where the general was and smiled gently "eh no worries yet The numbing will go down no worries" she said gently getting him some water slowly 'drink a lot of water it helps flush out posion" she said and sat down slowly. _______________________ Justin grunted gently slowly and looked at mary and picking her up nodding thanks to Mike and Julio and ran off to his house in the kingdom walls. he went to the large cabin like house and put her down "here you can stay in here its safer in here then out there" he said gently