Ever wanted to just fight with Giant robots? Well... Welcome to The Grid. A Planet where only the most insane go. The Grid is where the most efficient and insane bounty hunters go to earn cash and have fun. Missions will be posted, and you can either team up to complete a mission, or go solo. You will either be hunting Monsters, or other Hunters. Up for a challenge? You can take on the Alpha Mission and hunt the most dangerous Monster or Hunter on the planet! (For clarification, there is an actual story. I'm trying to make this look cool. The beginning of the story will be everyone arriving to The Grid, then competing, then joining together to take on the Alpha. After we kill the Alpha... I have plans.) Everyone's main goal is to be the best. Competition is fierce, and allies may be the one thing to save you, so don't be afraid to be friendly. Once enough people are in, the first set of missions will be posted. The first person to apply for a mission will get it, so be quick. Happy Hunting, freaks. CS Name: Robots Name: Appearance: Reason for becoming a Hunter: Main Goal: Other: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an old story that's restarting. If you're new, buckle up and get ready.