And so, our doomed adventurers would arrive... The Ruins of Norn were ancient, untouched, not even by the various nations would would benefit from their bounties. In the past, great empires, mighty kingdoms, and federations of some of the most promising and powerful counties tried to utilize their resources to reap the benefits of Norn. For a few years, they've proven successful, accelerating their own progress and granting them powers to rise above all else. But ultimate downfall always came from the same treasures they've raided, destroyed internally and their lands simply expanding the ruins of Norn. Even now other nations, who continue to feud and battle each other for whatever reason they had, would never step foot in the ruins even if they were all bout wiped out. This made the ruins a lawless place. Clever individuals have tried to take advantage of this to start a new world, and like those before them, success was short lived. Towns built, infrastructures formed, and for a while there was even a city where people could come to Norn and possibly seek their fortunes in the ruins. But of course, a few years passed and the city was now a ghost of it's former self. Brighthaven; it was suppose to be the first bastion to help discover the secrets of Norn. Now a gutted, rotten place where only vermin and trash live. The only civilization are small clans and tribes who live like nomads throughout the ruins, feuding with other clans for resources or being eaten alive by the various threats within. At least Brighthaven provided a usable port for anyone to use to arrive to this place; for steep fee brave sailors would be more than willing to drop you off here and leave before anyone could have second thoughts. Those who arrive would be greeted by nothing but the smell of sea rot and the sight of decayed corpses. Animals, birds, and people who have been killed and left behind by whatever murdered them. Most don't look to have been eaten, but torn apart by wild beasts. And still left whole enough for everyone to identify their remains. Even the animals derive some sick pleasure from cruelty. Yes, the Ruins of Norn were indeed a nightmare... But for those brave enough to venture here, it was also the only solution they had to their problems. Perhaps they seek wealth. Power. Knowledge. The Ruins have these things for those capable of taking it. But could they survive? We shall see. [@Searat][@rush99999][@Riaxh][@Searat]