[img]https://www.oliverrileys.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/shutterstock_439431064-790x527.jpg[/img] Name Milo Ventri Age 30 Height 6' Weight 210lbs Occupation/School- history teacher Personality- Milo is kind and laid back person, he doesn't really get upset at things nor at people, mostly due to a few years teaching smaller children. He often chooses to spend an evening out and about on the town, usually catching a show or looking for live music around town. Bio- Milo grew up in a household of soldiers and never had the knack for it despite all his efforts, he however grew up with a healthy respect for military history, a respect that slowly bled into the rest of history. Milo attended college as a history major and soon got his teaching degree. Milo spent three years as the fourth grade teacher in a local elementary school, he however soon got his desired position as the tenth grade history teacher at the local high school.