[hider=Done] Name: Galdari Thornmyre Age: 23 Race: Human Sex: Female Description: Once, not so long ago even, Galdari was a warm and smiling face. Homely, even, if one could ignore the muscles that were required of a warrior of the faith. Twinkling eyes and a slight ruddiness to her cheeks not brought about by alcohol, but by mirth. That was a week ago. Not to mention the fact that she was [i]definitely[/i] eating well- plenty of muscle and fat alike on her bones. A lot has changed in a week however. Where once there was mass, already it is now horrifyingly skinny. Her long brown hair, once shiny and lustrous, is now half-shaved and sickly. The half of her head that wasn't shaved has been left long, leaving it to tumble down the bare side in a strange style. Ideally, a paladin's armour should never be stained. Hers, even before the apocalypse arrived, was slightly dinged up and dirty, but now is truly showing wear. The plate is gouged and some of the chain links are busted, but much of it is still relatively shiny and clean. The nicest of her equipment still is her weapons- a one-handed axe and her circular shield. She clings to these like a drowning man does a piece of wood, the holy symbol once proudly displayed around her neck now hastily stuffed and concealed away. Those same eyes that once twinkled so brightly have been turned into sunken messes. Her mind is fragmented- held together by the barest string of sanity, but still she perseveres. For what reason she does not know, but as long as she can hold her tools, she perseveres. Notable Belongings: [list] [*]Dustbringer, a plough reforged into a once-holy axeblade. Now reflects Galdari’s mind, in that it’s jagged and not quite right. Still holds some magic. [*]A shield made from the wood of a cart. Circular, bossed and sturdy. Nothing magical about it. [*]Full plate. A simple, steel set of armour. [*]Symbol of the Goddess of Farming. [/list] Backstory: Every child born into a farming community knows that they live and die on the harvest. The goddess of the farm then, is one of the most important to almost every peasant evet to live. Galdari was the daughter of a miller- growing up on a diet that allowed her to pack on some weight, and with enough physicality that she could hold her own in an arm wrestle. Pious and relatively pure, she was signed on to her local temple when she was twelve, and served there faithfully. At first, her duties were mundane and boring. Scrubbing the temple floors. Replacing the rushes. Then they got more complicated. She sharpened blades for the paladins, mended the tapestries on the walls and ferried meals to and fro about the temple. When she was sixteen, she took up the mantle of a paladin-in-training, a role that mostly required her to walk about a lot around fields and occasionally kill the odd wolf or bear that poached from the flocks. Now however, the warrior is anything but holy. Without her goddess, she wanders lost, no faith to cling to or temple to fall back on. Anything, however, is better than staying home. She must press on.[/hider]