[@Breo][@Floodtalon][@Scallop][@Kyoka][@Reflection][@Enterthehero][@Phonic][@Manythings] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aExv3Zs.png[/img][/center] [h1][center]In The [s]Woods [/s]Church Outskirts[/center][/h1] [h3][center]Birth of a Hero's Struggle[/center][/h3] The shining comet rose again, but he would bat it down. This time he loomed over Achilles, this time he would be that which could fight a great hero. Iskander, Iskander, Comet… Achilles! The words melded together, the comet of Iskander that guided Iskander that he chased. The trails of glory that spread across the world. The tale that spread beyond Okeanos, beyond the oceans, beyond the mediterranean. In a sense it was a story that exceeded the world by filling the world. He recognized Achilles. He recognized the comet. The relation to Iskander was deep, and what truly boiled his blood, but for this moment, for this frozen second, the berserker whose mind was twisted into a madness that saw only one man saw another. Then came the crash of lightning. The lightning of Zeus, the lightning of that thunder god, the lightning of that chariot… It could only mean one man. ▄▅▆▇!!![color=2e2c2c]“ISKANDER!”[/color]!!! ▇▆▅ His world narrowed, his world blossomed. His madness surged, overwhelming him. It was rage and yet it was not rage. It was excitement and yet not excitement. What he felt, or rather what Darius found himself mantling was a complicated emotion, a complicated burden of his existence. But the expression of it was simple. He would fight, he would struggle against and defy Iskander. The giant’s head had shaped into that of a lizard, evoking the Hydra of Greek Legend. The beast that would not die, the beast that would lay low the greatest of heroes. A perfect stepping stone for one such as the Comet. He had already committed to an action, a massive shield like the gate of a giant city swung towards Achilles. But his priorities changed. He had to match Iskander as soon as possible. He had to clash his existence against his immediately. Everything else did not matter. So he dropped the shield and swung his hand forward, sending a blast of individual warriors in the mimicry of cannon shots at the church, aimed at Archer. The shockwaves from the force uprooted the ground and left a desolate churned land. The trees at the site of the battle between the two legends crumbling and turned into mulch. What was a fertile forest became a ruin of dirt. Or perhaps it was more like an inversion, what was underground rising to the surface and the forest above being mulched and buried underneath. To ruin what existed and create the fertile grounds for a greater empire and legend. Perhaps it was an expression of the Loser King to the fullest. Like a dozen missiles the skeleton warriors flew towards the church, projectiles overflowing with magical energy and sailing with the power of the giant. Yet would that legend be able to match his expectations? Darius moved, charging towards the Church, rabidly searching for his rival. Where was he, where was he where was he where was he? Iskander where are you? Your lightning is here, your god is here, yet you are not here. Where are you? His eyes did not see the Archer of Lightning, whether or not he perished from the barrage of the Immortals. Nor even if his ire was directed towards the giant. Fight me, conquer me, slay me. I will defy my death, I will burn out my lands, I will crush your dreams. So please, show yourself.