Well, at no point in time were the cat or the gargoyle really going to worry on decorum. So, for any that [i]really[/i] expected that, the most you were going to get was that Morningstar was deeply loyal to the Supreme Ones and Garlock was a cat. That's the best offer you're going to get. The lady gargoyle wasn't going to hold back. She [i]never[/i] held back. It was neither in her training nor her background to know [i]how[/i]. And if Garlock EVER referred to anyone with much civility and grace...you can bet that it's only being done in order to mock you. Suffice to say, Morningstar DID try to calm herself when Volaris asked her to. She nodded her head respectively to the leader. [color=a36209]"I'm sorry, Lord Volaris. You know that I care about each and every one of the the guild for having made me welcome in the only place I rightfully call home."[/color] There was alot going on here and much to determine and tell. The only question to it was what...and how. Morningstar would be motivated to find answers all the questions that were being asked, and perhaps still the ones yet to be known. It was a drive that Daryl had instilled in her. And while Garlock retained the natural curiosity of his species...what he [i]really[/i] wanted to know was how terrible people were...and how to act upon them. They knew nothing, but soon he would attain a sizable picture for reference... Now, they were both getting orders to scout to the west of the cathedral when...a newcomer! Kat the kit had arrived, looking entirely clueless. You could just about see the Cheshire Cat grin on Garlock's obscured face. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes, Brer Fox. You missed...[i][b]everything.[/b][/i]"[/color] Spoken with absolute sinister attitude for no other reason than to mess with him. Well, at any rate, they had their orders. And while Garlock did not really [i]like[/i] orders, these ones involved going outside where it was warm and pleasant. What? Yes, he was a bad guy, but even bad guys can like it when it's sunny out. So, he turned around, raised a hand, and- [color=a36209]"Wait a second!"[/color] -Morningstar stopped him in mid-act of departure. Garlock glared at her now. [color=9e0b0f]"What?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Well, it takes a while, going from top to bottom of this place and back again. Give me a lift?"[/color] There was a pause...and then Garlock simply went [color=9e0b0f]"No."[/color] and teleported away! Morningstar's surprise at this was only encompassed by her irritation as she shouted [color=a36209]"You...cat of a [b][i]biiitch![/i][/b]"[/color] and flew off at top speed to get out of the Cathedral's depths under her own power. It should be noted that stealth means two different things to these two creatures. To Garlock, it would be easy. He would romp around in cat-form once on the surface and generally look cute and adorable. For Star, well... Her idea of not being seen was to be flying very high up so that she was maybe a speck in the sky. It's not wholey certain how well that really worked, but she wasn't exactly a ninja, so it was at least an attempt.