Mainframe was the test bed for the Badlands program. It was a closed platform if you weren't given access you couldn't find it or even knew about it. The creators of the Badlands, The Holy Trinity of Gaming, gave a select few access to Mainframe. When Sanctuary finally gave in and decided to incorporate the Badlands into Sanctuary legitimately, The Holy Ghost of the Holy Trinity of Gaming was fully against it. He fought it tooth and nail. When he lost he felt betrayed by The Father and The Son. His betrayal festered and boiled on the surface. He created a [url=]computer virus[/url] and uploaded it to his avatar. From there it spread. The Father and The Son placed the most advanced security system around Mainframe. Once your avatar enters Mainframe it can never go anywhere else. The avatars of Mainframe, The Guardians, were at war with the computer virus. They developed the Anti-Viral Artifacts and Anti-Viral Icons. Sixty five days ago, the Guardians had dwindled down to only three. Shortzoom one of the final three Guardians found a way to [url=]escape[/url]. In doing so that traitor opened up the entirety of Sanctuary to the computer virus. Manticore and Tinyboom found Shortzoom's escape route, before they could seal it to many had poured through. The Guardians had failed. There was only one option left, Manticore and Tinyboom the nuclear option. At the heart of Mainframe was a digital nuclear bomb. Once the Manticore and Tinyboom armed and began the countdown they went to the escape route so they could hunt down Shortzoom and bring him to the Guardian's justice. Before they could leave they were overrun. Manticore barely made it to the escape route, the last thing Manticore saw before he stepped through was Tinyboom being dogpiled on by hundreds of the computer viruses. Manticore stayed by the exit on the other side until the countdown reached zero, meaning Mainframe was gone forever and Tinyboom with it. Manticore looked around where he was. It was a weird [url=]ring world[/url]. It was inhabited by weird [url=]creatures[/url] that attacked him. He killed them, upon inspection he realized a horrible truth, they were infected with The Holy Ghost's computer virus. They had become even deadlier. Ever since then he has been looking for Shortzoom and the upgraded computer virus. The upgraded computer virus was harder to find, it went underground. Manticore was in a hub world when the video of the robe man took over every screen. "Tinyboom survived? It's not possible. It must be Shortzoom stealing Tinyboom's appearance. It has to be him Shortzoom, it just has to be." He overheard some one talking about the Specters of the Apocalypse recruiting. He was going to need a new group of warriors to help in this fight. That person rejected the invitation. Manticore sought them out.