Stella wanted to turn invisible. The urge to do so peaked with every sideways glance that passers-by gave her. She averted her eyes and looked down, slightly ahead of her feet. But now she was looking at her legs... their metal joints peaking out as they turned. She briefly considered looking straight up, but quickly tossed out the thought. Of course, the looks didn't stop even when the group of ex-soldiers met with the ship crew. Stella couldn't help but wear a slight scowl on her face as she noticed each one passed over her with their eyes. It would be so easily to fade from sight and curl up into a ball for a little bit, but she needed to be present. Or at least, that's what John said. Then the captain moved on to talk of dinner. "Oh boy. Dinner." Stella muttered to herself. Though the basics were almost perfect, she was still tweaking the less "essential" senses. She also couldn't get over a sinking feeling of futility whenever she ate, but perhaps making food taste better would help that. Either way, she sat down at the end of the table and half-listened to the conversations of the others. She shot a glance towards the big guy... He said his name was Kelan. "It's Stella-" She paused briefly as she looked over him more closely, noticing his cybernetics and most obviously his arm. "-My name is Stella." She turned her head after giving her introduction, hoping to cut off any potential further questions.