Hello, I'm still fairly new here and learning my way around but I had an idea for a group roleplay that won't leave me be. The problem is I've never ran a group roleplay so I have no idea what to do or how to start. All I have is an idea for a world that I really want to play in. If anyone else is interested in playing in this world please post here and let me know! Also if anyone is willing to either help me run this or walk me through the process of running a group roleplay please get in touch as well. Thank you. Here is my idea. Its basicly just a setting I came up with so anything within that setting that fits is possible. The only race is humans though so it might be considered more low fantasy than some other worlds. [color=9e0b0f]A long time ago, magic was accepted and freely used. It was a corner stone of the world and many mages made deals with spirits and elemental beings to accomplish wonderous things. However when a coven of mages accidentially destroyed one of the worlds greatest cities an upstart group of non magicals who feared magic saw their chance. Under the guise of a new religion they preached that magic would slowly destroy the world if it was not banned and its users cleansed. The religion preached that the great god of life was angered by the destruction of his favored city that was destroyed by magical fire. The only way to appease the god they said was to consign every mage to the fire in return. And so began the Hunts. Hundreds of years later the religion has created a church that holds more power than even the nobility. The church instills fear into the remaining mages who have been forced into secrecy and hiding yet the common man loves the feeling of security the church brings them. The fact that most education and charity related projects are run by the church only helps with its popularity. Mages and anything unnatural is feared. The spirit and elemental worlds have gone so long without contact that they have gradually twisted, their inhabitants becoming possessive and demanding of any mage who dares summon them. Now these beings are called demons, a name meant to further inspire fear in the masses. Few things are know to the public about magic and mages save both are to be feared and reported to the church. However mages are not made, they are born. Everyone has a small chance of manifesting as a mage but this has long been forgotten. Another thing is that magic often reacts to the emotions of its caster so mages who manifest and don't learn control are quickly found and burned by the church. [/color] For more details on the church think something similar to the catholic teachings but with the addition of magic being the ultimate crime and sin. This world could be played several ways but mainly I made it to explore the topics of intrigue, religion, corruption, and politics in a world with fantasy elements. I would also love to explore character development and interaction. Mages might be desperate to regain power or they might hate themselves but fear dying or they might just be trying to hide and live in peace. Those in the church have also forgotten that their founders based their faith on a lie, that was never recorded so they honestly believe everything they preach.