[hider=MAIN (WIP)] [quote] [b]Name:[/b] First Last (Required) [b]Alias:[/b] ([i]Optional Nickname[/i]) [b]Title:[/b] ([i]Optional. What prestigious title can they claim?[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 12-100 ([i]Required. I put the start age at 12 just in case your character is some sort of out-of-the-gate-prodigy, but I don't want everyone to be doing this.[/i]) [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XiFEK2q.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] ([i]Required. One paragraph.[/i]) [b]Biography:[/b] ([i]Required. Two to four paragraphs.[/i]) [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] ([i]List your trainer's six starting Pokemon as shown in the example below. Be sure to use follow the rules outlined in the first OOC post. Don't worry about listing moves or items, as they can be changed before each battle, and don't worry about happiness or shiny status, because that's silly (just don't change them and we're fine.)[/i] [list] [*]Pkm_1_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_2_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_3_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_4_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_5_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [*]Pkm_6_Name, Gender, Ability, Nature [/list] [b]Reserve Pokemon:[/b] ([i]Make a list with question marks only, as shown below.[/i] [list] [*]??? [*]??? [*]??? [*]??? [/list] [/quote] [/hider]