As Cassian tried to gain the attention of Magpie, the shuffling inside of the bathroom stopped for a moment. At first, there was no response. For an awkward amount of time, there was some banging, spilling of water, and pain-filled expletives that came from within. Finally, the door partially opened. There emerged a Magpie, clean but not dry. Her hair was still sopping, dripping outside of the washroom as she leaned her head out. [b]"Well, what's there to know? What it is or what it do?"[/b] She stated, her voice was laced with a venom of disinterest and disrespect. [b]"Thing's a skinless freak. Its arms were less arm and more blade. Like if someone sliced beneath your elbow and replaced those with swords or something. Tore 'em off so you don't have to deal with them. Moved weird, too. It had bad control over its body, but it was still freakishly fast. Hard to read."[/b] After sharing the basics, Magpie's face became a bit more serious. She seemed to have some difficulties recalling what had happened.[b]"One of the cops shot it for a bit. It healed up from those. Besides healing, it ain't very durable. Felt like an ordinary human. Weaker, even. You guys can probably deal with it. Probably."[/b] Her head retracted back into the washroom and the sounds of washing up resumed.