Urdal looked at limping, broken in appearance man, covered in that strange robe, and thought for a moment. This looked like the attire of a priest, but there was something wrong with the way he looked, the way he behaved, the way he held himself. There was most definitely more to the being, willing to take the job, than originally met the eye. Quickly trying to remember anything about brown clad priests who looked like they had been dropped a few too many times in their childhood, but he was unsuccessful. The other thing which he decided to take a look at was the big green fellow. An orc, standing on his other side. Urdal had made to situate himself in between them, taking a sideways stance, so that he could look at both of them at once. The orc looked more fit, more healthy, and maybe even more friendly than the somewhat disabled, robed ex-priest. The nice set of armor and imposing weapon, probably as bit as the half-elf's leg and then some, were a nice touch. "Aight, glad you're interested. Job is simple. I need you two to come with me up to the north. We'll be looking for stuff to keep the town going. It pays as well as you'd want it to pay." He announced after a prolonged period of silence and looking from the limping one to the green one. Urdal felt completely pleased with himself at this very moment. Things looked as if they were shaping up, and with the three he had already found, he could attract more.