Raven had vanished into the night but soon reached the village breathing heavy for she had many ran and did not look back as she did so. Once she made it to a run down buying she stopped to catch her breath and her composure. “What is wrong with me I should of killed him but what stopped me what is wrong with me?” She asked herself as she sighed and walked through the streets looking at the night sky before holding her pocket watch in her hand. “Mom dad have I made the right choices in life or have I stained my hands for nothing?” She asked the pocketwatch but only to have no response. She placed her pocketwatch back in her pocket and kept walking until some of the orphan kids came out tugging on her skirt smiling at her. Raven smiled at the young ones before patting their heads and gave them a hug. She did everything she could to help these little ones that had no one. “Come on back inside bed time.” She told them and coaxed them all inside. Once inside all the kids when to their beds and crawled under the blankets. “Raven can you help us get to sleep?” One of them asked and Raven smiled at one of them. “ALright if it helps you go to sleep.” She said to them and pulled out a weird instrument hat she was able to save before her home was burned to the ground when she was younger. Once all the children was settled she started to play her [url=https://youtu.be/IRDCFtTwd6w]song[/url] off it. All the kids smiled as she played it but soon dozed off into their dream land. Raven finished the song and smiled at them all before placing the instrument down. She let out a small sigh before walking up the stairs to another room and sat on the bed. All she cold think about was her past and all the stories her mom used to tell her about her dad and how the two meet but also how they were from two completely different worlds. “I am nuts I can’t love a prince I mean he holds similarities to dad due to being from high class and mom was of common birth but still.” Raven ran her fingers through her hair. “I am a killer still I have stained myself with blood and have killed many and look at me now trying to kill a prince just so his brother could be next in line for the crown.” She stood up and looked out the window. “So why d I can how he feels or acts or if he is so much like a doll why di I care.” Raven groaned a bit before finally trying to go to sleep for the night. The next day Raven was out in the village like normal doing small odd jobs to help keep the money flowing at least until the messenger came and gave her the letter. “Ok what is this about?” She asked herself and went back to hers and the orphans home and safe Andy another one of her assasin family/ orphan siblings/ He was busy getting the kids feed. “What you got there sis?” He asked as he was getting the twins settled for they were at it like normal. Raven was reading it and sighed. “Its a letter from Prince Eliezer.” Raven said and Andy looked at her shocked. “What you do now?” He said seriously. “Its a job his younger twin brother hired me to kill him and do not give me that look.” Raven explained and got the twins to sit and eat. “But big question why is he still alive along with the rest of his family we all know you hate the royal after what they did to your parents?” Andy asked as he looked at her. “I have no clue he kind of reminds me of the stories my mom told me of when she met my father and two its his father I mainly hate and want to kill.” Raven explained as ANdy rubbed the back of his head and snatched the letter to read it. “I thought he would not want to see me again after how I ranted at him yesterday about how he is not well a person who can be himself.” Raven explained. “So then you think his brother convinced him to see you again so you can kill him?’ He asked her and Raven nodded. “Yeah proablay Mathazar pretty sure wants me to do it but....” Raven sighed and ANdy could see Raven was changing. “Raven if I did not know you any better I think you are actually developing well feelings for Eliezer but then again cant be true you never kissed anyone not even on the cheek.” ANdy said and Saw Raven did not answer. “ANd you kissed him at least on the cheek didn’t you?” He asked and Raven only nodded at him. “Oh boy yup you are screwed Raven you broke the number one rule of the assasin code never fall in love with the target.” Andy said to her and Raven huffed a bit for she knew that she really did. “I know I know Andy but like I said I have no clue what happened something about him drives me crazy makes me want him to see that there is more to life out there then just doing as told and following duties but most of all trying to make everyone like you.” Raven explained and ANdy ruffled her hair. “Look Raven I am worried but I also want you happy if Eliezer is who makes you happy then say the deal is off and if this Mathazar tries to harm you to do something to you warn him you have brothers and sisters who would kick his ass for you.” He siad making Raven laugh. “Ok go one go talk to him I will take care of the kids today for you.” He said with a smile and Raven gave him a hug as a thank you before heading out. SHe made her way t the palace with the letter showing the palace guards that she was invited by the prince to the palace. Once he was let inside she just waited as the servent went to get Prince Eliezer for her.