[center][h2][color=gray]Sophia Revynne[/color][/h2] [@Reflection][/center] Well she certainly knew what class she summoned. The first thing that caught her eyes was the spear, a massive pole that touched the ceiling for a brief moment. [color=gray]"Please don't break my ceiling."[/color] It was a strange first thing to say to someone who could snap her neck before she could blink, but it was simply her nature. She would rather not have to fix the ceiling, plus there was sensitive equipment in there that she would rather not have damaged. He stood up, his eyes catching hers. Red met blue, she wondered if he was some sort of demon for a moment. Wouldn't that be unfortunate, to summon a horrible monster of legend as her Servant. [color=a187be]"It is a pleasure to meet you mage. I am a hero of the Lancer class."[/color] She had to hold back a sarcastic comeback as he introduced himself, giving away his True Name as he bowed. His spear disappeared soon afterwards, an unseen smile crossing his face as he looked around. [color=a187be]"Can I have your name?"[/color] Well he was polite at the very least, more polite than she had been. She got to her feet, catching her breath as she tried to recall her pre-prepared introduction. And he's gone already. She rushed out to the kitchen, watching him dig through the fridge with confusion. [color=bc8dbf]"So much takeout. What a slob-ish lifestyle."[/color] He pulled out a beer can, god damnit she knew she had one more around somewhere, snapping it open and downing it with the same ease she had downed water earlier. Lancer tossed it into the trash can, a perfect arc as it landed in the bag. [color=bc8dbf]"I will have to make cooking a minor task during my stay with you. I cannot have one of my citizens living on such a day to day basis."[/color] Her eyes narrowed, her opinion of this Servant dropping several notches. What happened to that politeness from when he had been introducing himself? [color=gray]"First of all, it's not slobbish, it's efficient. Why bother making my own food when I could have someone else make it while I use my time on more important things?[/color] She marched up to the man and poked him in the chest, glaring at him as she continued venting. [color=gray]"Second of all, I am most definitely not your 'citizen'. I am your Master, meaning we are partners. Do not treat me as some sort of plebeian who can't take care of themselves."[/color] She crossed her arms and huffed, drilling holes into him with her eyes before she closed her eyes and sighed. [color=gray]"And finally, my name is Sophia Revynne. I don't know what it was like during your time, but nowadays people usually wait for someone to introduce themselves before they start digging around their fridges and drinking their last beer!"[/color] She shouted, angrily kicking over the trash can and spilling several water bottles and one beer can all over the floor. [color=gray]"God damnit."[/color] She picked up the trash can and set it upright, picking up the trash quickly and dumping it back into the trash can. She took several deep breaths as she stared at the wall, wondering if summoning a demon would have been better than this. No, this was a top tier Servant without a doubt. She would just have to work around his various quirks and personality issues, that was her job as Master. [color=gray]"I don't expect you to make cooking a regular task by the way. We have more important things to do then waste time playing house if we're going to steal the Holy Grail after all. Now let's start over."[/color] Sophia took one last deep breath as she closed the trashcan's lid, closing her eyes for a moment and then opening them back up, confidence evident in her every feature as she turned and smiled at Lancer. [color=gray]"I am Sophia Revynne. You are Servant Lancer. We are the victors of this Holy Grail War, everyone else just doesn't know that yet. Let's work hard to inform them of the fact."[/color]