[center] [color=2e3192] [h1]Lady Trieu[/h1] [h3]Eastern Farms - The Charge [/h3] [@Reflection] [@sageage] [/color] [/center] Her sword sailed through the air and the hilt reached her open palm with ease, closing on it and tightening her sword grip as quick as possible. A light smile arrived on her lips as she outstretched her arms, both swords high in the air, the sun shining off them. One's beautiful crimson glimmer and the other's shining metal gleam, both bright and ready for battle as she observed the knight before her. It was plain to see that he wanted a kill. But so did she. Watching him begin to run, his glistening sword that brimmed with miracles that seek to escape and spread his legend once more. Truly this man was a hero of legend. But so was she. [color=2e3192]"You'll see everything my dear paladin, you will experience first hand the Might of Nanyue! Lady Trieu, the spirit that transcends time!"[/color] She slapped the side of Nanyue, the signal for the elephant to trumpet and rear, beginning to run towards Roland. Defense mode still activated this wasn't a proper charge, but as she watched the knight charge closer and closer she knew she couldn't risk holding back. He was determined and that bloodlust arm of his would push him only further. He had a goal, he made it clear and she would let him claim that goal if he could beat her at least. Whoever this uncle was, she hoped that the lands he liked were those of ash and dust and fire and bones. A light overcame Trieu, enveloping both her and Nanyue, an angellic guise upon her innocent monster. Wings wide spread and a blinding light overcame her and the swords, increasing her speed as she hurtled towards Roland's charge. This was it. She looked down at Nanyue. He would survive this, she knew he would. She was counting on him after all. Her First Sword began to glow and she slashed through the air towards Roland, hurtling towards him something awful. A physical slash, of her grudges and hatred made real. The red blast headed straight for him as she continued to ride Nanyue to him. [color=2e3192]"THIS IS THE LEGEND OF THE WOMAN WHO CONQUERED THE SKIES, SLAIN THE MIGHTIEST MONSTER OF THE SEA AND DROVE THE RULERS BACK TILL NOTHING REMAINED BUT THE PEOPLE'S VOICES!"[/color] [centre][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6364/5de11b8e9aed9ab59702d72027f17c3cf0bb2f97_hq.jpg[/img] [h1] Natsuo Karakami [/h1] Pellion's Pub [@Cu Chulainn] [@Paradox Witch] [/centre] Natsuo blinked. He looked around, feeling like he was in some sort of dream. Was he tripping? He rubbed his eyes. No way, that stuff he'd had was just some weird herbs no way it was hallucinogenic. He looked at his hands and began to wobble. Oh yeah, the drink. He began to click his fingers instinctively trying to regain focus. He couldn't really remain focussed when that sake jumped into his hands. He stared at the deformed penguin, to the smoking men and back at his sake. Fuck it. He began to drink it before taking it from his lips and giving a big grin to the balding man. This guy didn't look Japanse, he looked like some sort of Troll. [color=f7976a]"Yo! Uh you must be uh Chiron right?"[/color] He delivered another stupid smug smile to the man and bowed. [color=f7976a]"Name's Natsuo, I'm not a whatever uh, mage or summit? Anyways I'm here on behalf of this guy and like he was wanting to mend things with ya guys!"[/color] He began to rummage in his sack of items and pulled out two vials, one tinted gold and the other a clear substance. [color=f7976a]"That smug bastard offered these as like tokens of apology? Anyways, he had like a question for ya...he wanted you to help him? Like not you but like you seem really cool! But I mean like the guy with the pompadour! Or summit!"[/color] He blinked and then remembered his question. [color=f7976a]"Oh yeah! Yo so how do you kill a god?"[/color] [centre][h1][color=a187be]Gustav[/color][/h1][/centre] [centre][h2]The Academy[/h2][/centre] Gustav the weasel lived a very nice life back in Germany. His owner, Ludwig Von Gravenheim Krauste, chose him from a littler found in the wild, luck would have it Gustav was the only one the chef did not get his hands on! Ludwig had taken the vermin in even if Gustav hadn't fully appreciated his kindness. Causing chaos and threatening the work of Ludwig's life, causing him to often have German curse words thrown at him. yet this, this was something he had to do for his Master. There was something happening in that small furry head, the weasel going still, someone was in his mind. Ludwig had never done this so the critter was in shock and it's mind was very unprotected. At first he would just see flashbacks of Ludwig working back at his lab in Germany, then in Fuyuki and then he saw the weasel's mind. [color=a187be]"herzlich Wilkommen! I was not to inform you of everything yet, I feel compelled. Mein master has no care for what you do in your base, or the events we know have transpired due to you and your master. However, there was an incident that these penguins also speak of. My master seeks your assistance in survivng and escaping this land, seeing as your master is also from a faraway foreign land. But we understand this can't come cheap and attached to my body with the note attached is a vial of a powerful concoction! We mean no trouble [/color] The weasel chirped. [color=a187be]"We also will reveal to you our allies weaknesses if this isn't enough from our side, so what do you say my mind inhabiting friend, do we have a chance at negotiations?"[/color] [@Argonaut]