[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/t3kp4zp.png[/img][/center] She had been fast enough to avoid that spatial-collapse spell before it even began to form, but fate conspired against her dramatic reappearance when a whole three other magical girls popped out of nowhere, the first blasting the shit out of [i]her[/i] adversary with a javelin that she called a ‘sword’ (her own Patron displayed its displeasure by raking between Amaryllis’s eyes), before the other shot lightning as well, apparently an advocate for “shoot first, ask after”. All this was relatively awkward for Amaryllis herself, who had been partway scaling an apartment complex from a neighboring alleyway when everything went down within seconds of each other, and though one part of her was disappointed in the ruining of a ‘scene’, a greater part felt relieved at the extra help. The steel ivy rattled softly as they retracted into the veins of her wrist, and instead of a grand reappearance from the high ground, the Knight of Rose emerged from the shadows of the alleyway instead, her heels clacking audibly amidst the din, her immaculate appearance a grand forgery for the mist-shrouded fiend. The rusted petals scattered from the dark implosion pulled themselves towards Amaryllis, dappling her path through the ruptured streets. [b][color=778899]“Wrought Iron Hero,”[/color][/b] Amaryllis began, quietly noticing that the [i]other[/i] darkness girl had disappeared, [b][color=778899]“Though this foul vulture is despicable, I can attest that she’s naught but a scavenger, an abomination that preys upon the dead. If you wish to mete out your justice upon the perpetrator of this tragedy, then what you should seek is the necromancer that called a horde of revenants upon this world.”[/color][/b] A pause. A smile that did not reach the eyes. [b][color=778899]“But that is simply a correction, not a suggestion. If you wish to continue your fight, then push this fiend elsewhere, to a place where civilians won’t be caught in the crossfire. And as for the two who have made such a dynamic entrance…”[/color][/b] In one smooth motion, Amaryllis brushed back her hair while removing her bejeweled rosary. [b][color=778899]“My own powers of recuperation are insufficient to heal the vast majority of bystanders in this area. If either of you are capable, I beseech you: let’s save who we can before neglect becomes just as deadly as any other blade.”[/color][/b] … Uwah, her Sword was really hating her right now, wasn’t it? Definitely shoulda just aimed for the head if this was going to be the case. [@Rune_Alchemist][@Izurich][@Ariamis][@Card Captor]