[center][h2]The Holy Territories of Edoniras (The HTE)[/h2] [img]http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=1&c1=1&c2=5&c3=2&o=0&c4=0&s=6&c5=0[/img][/center] [hr] [justify]The muffle of raised voices echoed through the halls of the Serene Palace, thump! A pause, before the voices continued at a higher pitch and intensity, thump! A longer pause now, then in earnest the voices erupted into action once more, thump. Silence finally reigned. The horror any might have felt at the palace being treated in such an undignified way was lacking given the news, the Eternal Hadeen of Dashkatar was preparing to march on the Kingdom of Sescos and many felt the palpable mist of anxiety and stress. All had hoped the situation could have smouldered until the summit where upon a diplomatic solution could have been found to the crisis and force of arms may have been prevented. Within the small chambers of Pope Invictus XI the inner circle of his Holiness argued about responsible action. Sitting in the centre of the modest seats, the Pope gestured to Hillard Hershaw, wearing today the ornate plate and plume of the Attolian Guard that he so favoured in time like this, to make his position clear. "Your Holiness, nobody wishes for war, except for those heathens across the damnable straits! Outcry for a diplomatic solution echoes across the continent, yet this foreign power have deemed it necessary to make themselves ready for a way they have assured. It is time you met such agression with the resolute shield and sword." Murmurs of approval came from a number of the older members of the council, including the Maritime Adviser, Ferulli Gaza. "Most Holy, we can have the navy ready as soon as you command it - there is no where for them to flee once we start bombarding the cross and their coast." The maritime adviser then added. However, another voice chirped up after a steely glare was passed to the special adviser by the Pope. "Most Sacred, we cannot hope to carry the burden of war alone; it would be madness and what started as an isolated conflict has been exploited into war between great powers. It is one of the most foolish and pathetic games of posturing I have seen in all my life, conducted by the totally inept who have - rather than delicately dance around the matter - stuck their foot firmly in it. The truth is, the straits have been the final crossing into Europe those Hijeen dogs have never been able to get across before. Now? Well, unless something is done the desert hermits will be able to make landfall and divide up the land at will. I think it is time we call the people of Europe to put their ideals where their actions are, as well as keep the pressure for a diplomatic solution at the end." Ferrus Pulviasa then returned to his seat and, before anybody could utter a word of debate and debacle, the Pope struck his fist down onto the desk again. Lifting his hand he sucked in a breath between gritted teeth and then nodded his head. "By my own name you will know that I will not take such a blatant act of aggression and war-mongering from that heathen scum lying down. However, the people prepare for festivity and I myself am about to sponsor a diplomatic meeting to decide the balance of the continent going forwards. This is no time to dispatch the entire army to the opposite corner of the inland sea. Atop this-" The Pope reached to the side and thumbed through a collection of other documents and letters. "We have the profiteering of the Three-Cities alongside this juxtaposition of condemnation for brinkmanship the Redcliff Empire adopts is asinine. We are surrounded my infant monkey's hurling faeces. So, we have a looming economical debate and a military conflict. Time is enough, prepare to make a statement. You will each be receiving my plans tonight, I want functional methods of implementation as soon as you can. Am I clear to you all?" The nodding heads of the advisers was all the confirmation needed and soon the Pope strode from the room, rubbing his temples as his mind whirred on what he had to face and do over the coming weeks. With a click of his fingers he summoned an orderly. "Take this down, verbatim, then read it back. God above knows this must be worded perfectly.[/justify] [hr] [b][i]By the next day...[/i][/b] [hr] [quote=His Holiness, Pope Invictus XI]Leaders and rulers of Europe, For weeks now I have been inundated by the public remarks condemning the Redcliff Empire and supporting the Echyan Empire against the Kingdom of Sescos, a moderate and rational perspective. But, unless it is simple self-interest that guides you, you have been blind to the far greater cause for concern. The 'Eternal' Hadeen of Dashkatar has built an alliance of many nations - across religious and cultural lines, for one simple purpose; conquest and extermination. They rebuke their old allies - the Akkadian Empire - in favour of any and all that will feed the machine of war hungry to devour us all. Perhaps the people of the Akkadian Empire are next?. This threatens to tip and unbalance the scales of Europe as well as threaten the sovereignty of all who value their independence. Those amongst you who have targeted your denunciations at the Redcliff Empire, unless your ultimatums now switch to the Hadeen of Dashkatar then it is clear you merely meant to try and use a terrible incident of chaos and violence for your own gains. Your people will know you internationally as the very self-interested warmongers you claim to oppose and they will be left to fear the fallout of letting such a terrifying invader even closer to their borders. Fathers will be shot down, mothers raped and the children cut down if we stand and do nothing but allocate whilst inviting the barbarian to our door. I, Pope Invictus XI, state here and now that I denounce any aggressor in whatever violence is to come. I implore the ships and feet of both sides to carry them nowhere as they hold long enough to let diplomatic deliberation bring an end to this crisis. Will the full force of the Ianian navy be at the shores of the Hadeen of Dashkatar now that they have built an army to cross the straits? Will the Empire of Attolia see the failure to respond to the summit by the Hadeen of Dashkatar as an act of aggression to respond to? Time will tell, but the answer will resonate across this continent and so all will know whether these are nations of their word or simple folk of posture, just like those they speak out against. The invitation for the summit is [b]still[/b] open and the diplomatic talks will go ahead as planned, whether there is war or not. I hope, with all my heart, that every party will be present at the table and any killing that might occur will be stopped. There is still time to pull back the troops. And, there is no place on this continent for those who seek out death, except for on the points of the shields for those who wish the whole safe. Whatever your denomination and whatever your method of rule, we are people under one God.[/quote]