Elizabeth, having defused the situation with Zim and Rooney, at least temporarily, was perhaps a little proud of herself. That pride helped to mitigate the nerves she felt as she left the briefing hall and made her way quickly to the hanger changing room. She quickly pulled off her standard duty fatigues, stripping down to the bare skin and started to dress into her plug suit. She was flushed, her face matching her crimson hair, this was her first time changing in front of other pilots, but there was no time for modesty, and her plug suit afforded little of it anyways. Once her body was covered she used one hand to flip her hair to one side, pulling it out of the plug suit before doing a quick, loosely twisted knot. Once her hair was somewhat contained the princess donned her helmet, checked the status of her plug suit on her helmet's HUD, nodded in affirmation, and made her way to board Ojo. [hider=My Hider] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/af3e/f/2017/208/e/3/ken_marinaris_by_hybridmink-dbhxntb.png[/img] [/hider] Her pristine white Werk had yet to see any real combat, only training runs and experimental testing to see if the GDA was a viable tool or not for a Werk. As Elizabeth crossed the Hanger to her machine she looked over the egg shaped drop ships. While Ojo could fit into an egg, her GDA ring would not, at least not without taking it down. The ring could be separated and folded down, but it would require time to calibrate the ring once reconnected. During that time she wouldn't be able to use the ring for propulsion, or for defense. She would have to deploy last, hiding in the shadow of one of the eggs, leaving her exposed to the atmospheric fall. However, that would allow her to make use of the GDA to push incoming attacks off mark, both for herself and her other squadmates. Once on board Ojo, Elizabeth would start the required status checks to verify operational status and required munition and fuel levels. She was being meticulous, perhaps more than necessary, but she wanted to make sure that nothing unavoidable jeopardized the mission. Especially for her first mission to include a starfall into controlled territory. Once all final adjustments were made and all statuses showed green Elizabeth followed Maria's Lead, "Elizabeth Fullbright in Ojo, ready for launch!"