[@Lazo][@Awesomoman64][@Guess Who][@Abillioncats] [h3]Blossoming Relationships[/h3] "I bid you greetings then, Beaconites," said Thoúlē Aristeas, a welcome that was echoed by a quiet woof from the poodle snuggling comfortably into her arms. "And I applaud your meritorious question, Miss Vespa. I shall take this opportunity to elaborate on any details that Valic undergraduates appear to be unfamiliar with." The airship had already risen into the air, a fact that the four individuals that made up Team Svart (SVRT) could easily observe from the clouds that were floating right outside the bridge's screens. Yet even though the journey had begun, the Inspector did not pause in her words, her only acknowledgement of their change in altitude being to nudge her poodle's attention in the direction of the windows. "The International Centre for the Extermination of Creatures Antagonistic to Mankind is an organisation based in the south of this continent, in a territory with a greater population of Grimm than average," she continued. "Thus, those questing to their facility must acknowledge the need for strong defences if the arduous journey is to be a success." She nodded at the team. "That is your role. Not only will you gain experience against various Grimm, you shall also be exposed to the technologies they develop and assist me in determining whether or not they have been in breach of international protocol. You are representatives of Vale on this mission, and so you must prove yourselves to be of great worth today." The plan had become clear: a) Defeat Grimm on their path. b) Investigate the facility. c) Ensure that everything ran smoothly. "Are there any other questions?"