[hr] [hr] [center] [color=f7976a][h3]T H E F L A S H[/h3] [b]Revelations:[/b] [sup][i]NOT FAST ENOUGH[/i][/sup][/color] [/center] [hr] [hr] "Very Importantly Miss West, our security is top of the line. As soon as our personal alarm goes off, the NYPD is alerted immediately. We also have a special alarm recently installed that will alert Captain Stacy's Metahuman Task Force. That way if we are under a metahuman attack, the proper authorities know what they are dealing with." Iris nodded along as she jotted down notes, making sure to not use her speed to write notes like she usually did. She was far too close to the curator to do that. Iris looked up at the the curator, a man named Richard Wentworth. "More importantly, while the main governing body of Khandaq has seemed willing to leave the Dynasty Diamond in the hands of Americans, and even released previously unseen tapestries of their history for us to view here as a sign of growing relations between our two countries. What do you say to the reports of this so called 'Khem-Adam' and his movement, that America stole the Diamond and should return it? Lest it pay the price." Wentworth chuckled a little bit. "Khem Adam is an individual who is using the religious history of his people in order to try and establish power, his xenophobic and racist attitudes are no secret. It's well known that he seeks to capitalise on fears of United States intervention to further his own goals. He's bordering on being a terrorist." Iris wrote all this down, it was true that Khem-Adam was known for his violent tendencies, indoctrination and rumours of torture. While this wasn't exclusively the reason she was here today, there couldn't be a conversation about Khandaq without touching on the topic of him. "This isn't why you're here though, is it Miss. West?" She nodded her head. "Of course Professor. However you must understand the line of questioning, when discussing this magnificent exhibit and it's security the topics of Khem-Adam, Metahumans and the various crime lords active in New York City are all relevant. You can't have one conversation without the other." Wentworth nodded, however before he could retort a group of individuals came crashing through a nearby window. She counted at least five, most of them wore black outfits except for one who wore a green striped shirt, he too however wore a balaclava over his face. Something about the way he moved though, it didn't seem quite right. "Everybody stay where you are, you're all now ho-" Iris let the lightning burn through her as she took off. She didn't start by disarming the men, or moving for them. Doing that would likely give up her secret, what she started with was clearing the room of civilians just trying to enjoy the exhibit of the diamond. As the siren started to wail barely a second after they crashed through into the museum, she moved into the next room. Full of tapestries and other arts related to Khandaq. As she grabbed a teenage boy wearing glasses she deposited him in the street, she could almost swear that the girl she was with started to turn to face her as she returned for her. Dropping them both in an alley just outside of the museum. Skidding to a halt on front of the gunmen, cowl raised and mask in place. "You guys couldn't have had worse luck if you tried." Running straight at them, she saw the muzzle flash as the guns went off. Stepping to the side as she approached a bullet, she pointed it towards the ground. Moving from bullet to bullet, them barely moving compared to her, she pointed them all in directions where they couldn’t possibly harm anyone. Gunmen had become easy for her, once upon a time she had struggled to take down an armed robber, while she wasn’t bulletproof she sure as hell was faster than one. Pulling guns from hands she threw them all at the otherside of the room far away from trouble. “I know you guys are used to a different Superhero around here, but you should really think about different career prospects. Crime doesn’t really pay.” The men just chuckled, which she was starting to learn was never a good sign in her chosen career. While she heard other windows smashing nearby, she turned around expecting someone to be standing there with a shot lined up to take her out. Then something hit her, hard.