[@KatherinWinter] [center][h1][color=gray]Oliver Cruz[/color][/h1][/center] Was he crazy or was he desperate? Sometimes, both were no more different than the other depending on the situation and if Oliver had to guess, he was both. There was a man whose face was shrouded in the shadows when he offered this chance for Oliver to be transferred from prison to a special lab for a project to enhance him. It was already bad enough that Oliver was a dangerous man. Imagine him with enhanced abilities that would make him 5-10 times worse than how he is now. It's been maybe a few days since Oliver have been here and had the procedure done on him. To be honest, Oliver lost count of how many days he's been in this place. Pain and hallucinations was a big part of his gaining of power and passing out a couple of times before one day, the door opened up with several guards calling for him to get up. The words freak and criminal were the words that Oliver remembered when they strapped him up, covering his mouth with a muzzle and keeping the tranquilizer guns on him while the straightjacket was done being fastened and led the man out the room to be brought to the evaluation area. When brought into the dining room, the guards looked at each other, several still pointing the guns while Oliver was being unfastened and freed of the garment and unleashed of the mask before the men left the room. The doors were secured so, he couldn't easily just walk up out of there but he did admire the place. This was the first time being in this facility that he's seen something other than the operating room and his cell. He wondered who else were going to show up....that was until he saw another escorted without a prison uniform. He looked the woman up and down, automatically getting vulgar thoughts about what he'd do to her but for tight now...he was going to play it cool.