[center][h2][color=f26522]Cicero Bladewalker[/color][/h2][/center] Cicero nodded at the guardsmen and slowly sheathed his sword to avoid being impaled. He was pretty sure he knew a few of them personally. He was pretty familiar with the arena in Alvion, after all. [center][color=orange]"My apologies, you know what it's like when the blood boils over."[/color][/center] He pried the axe from his helmet and dropped the crude weapon. It clattered to the stone pavement with an obnoxious [i][b]clang[/b][/i]. That's when he heard the ominous laughter of that cloaked man. There was no doubt in Cicero's mind that he could not be trusted, but he had to figure out what lay ahead. He strode forward, keeping a wary eye on his former opponent. With a temper like his there was no telling when he would lash out again. Cicero maintained a safe distance as he entered the sign up area.