[center][h3][u]Schools of Magic[/u][/h3][/center] [b][u]Evocation:[/u][/b] Evocation magic is performed by using mana to call forth the natural forces of the world and manipulate them. Due to the rather volatile nature of these elemental energies, this magic lends itself more to offensive applications rather than defensive or supportive ones. The current understanding among scholars is that the natural world consists of four distinct elemental energies: fire, water, earth, and air. Evokers usually have a talent for manipulating a particular element, while struggling with the opposite element. More experienced Evokers are able to combine the elements they can control together to produce new “elements,” like combining fire and air together in order to generate lightning. Master Evokers, that is, those that have achieved a mastery over each element, are even able to influence the weather around them, although doing so can have far-reaching consequences. [b][u]Illusion:[/u][/b] Illusion magic is performed by giving shape and structure to mana in order to trick and deceive other people. Perhaps somewhat interestingly, the fact that illusions are really constructs of mana means that they function independent of people to observe them. In other words, an illusion of an attacking bear will affect anyone who enters the area of the illusion and will stop affecting anyone that leaves its area. Regardless, because mana is inherently non-physical, these constructions are simply illusions and can do no physical harm to people by themselves. While lacking in offensive capabilities, Illusionists make up for it by having access to a number of stealth and supportive capabilities, like rendering something invisible or creating distractions. [b][u]Enchantment:[/u][/b] Enchantment magic is performed by weaving mana into threads that are able to enter the minds of others and subtly manipulate their mental state, which includes their thoughts and emotions. Particularly skillful or talented Enchanters can even set up connections with the minds of others that allow them to hear their thoughts or transmit their own. It is important to note, however, that one’s resistance to Enchantment magic depends upon the strength of their will. As such, Enchanters often have difficulties manipulating the minds of other mages, particularly if they are also Enchanters. Unfortunately for Enchanters, most people also tend to view them rather suspiciously and think of Enchantment magic as being some sort of evil magic, which can make it difficult for them to use their abilities in public or advertise their affinity for the school. [b][u]Divination:[/u][/b] Divination magic is the magic associated with obtaining information or understanding and is thus often considered a more scholarly magic than some of the other schools. Some mages with particularly strong affinities for Divination magic have the gift of clairvoyance and are able to see bits and pieces of the future in fits of uncontrollable magic. These visions are vague at best, as the future is never really set in stone, but most people agree that some warning of what might happen is better than no warning at all. Regardless, even those Diviners who are not clairvoyant are able to scry on far away locations, detect and understand magic used around them, and find particular people or objects, to name a few of their more commonly used abilities. [b][u]Conjuration:[/u][/b] Conjuration magic allows the magi to summon beings or objects to them, so long as these objects are bonded to the Conjurer before time. These bonds require rituals to form, and differ depending on what is being bonded to the Conjurer. For creatures, it requires a contract to be formed between the two parties stating what is expected of both parties and the like. Objects are much, much simpler, and merely require a mark of ownership be placed on the object during the ritual. These rituals tend to vary based on what is being bonded, though they typically involve something associated with the bondee, like ashes for a phoenix. Even mundane objects and creatures can be powerful with a Conjurer, receiving benefits, like increased durability or strength, from the bond itself. It is also worth noting that Conjuration magic is also the magic of apportation, or moving from one place to another without physically crossing the space in between, which is how bonded objects or creatures are summoned in the first place. As such, experienced Conjurers are also able to teleport, though it can be quite an exhausting endeavor depending on the distance one wants to travel. [b][u]Animancy:[/u][/b] Animantic magic is the magic of using mana to manipulate the aether, a sort of energy that is associated with life and light. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this means that Animancers are the healers among the mages, able to use their magic to heal virtually any disease or illness. Though healing is the most well-known ability of Animancers, they are also able to utilize the radiant properties of aether to purify and bless objects or places, turn undead, or channel light to attack. Particularly talented and experienced Animancers are also able to animate objects for a variety of purposes. Such animated entities are known as golems, and their functionality depends pretty heavily on the form they had upon being animated and how intricate the animancer wants them to be. As such, it requires a lot more effort and time to create more complicated golems. Also worth noting is the fact that many Animancers have an affinity for animals, and other people to a lesser extent. This is probably due to the radiant aura of most Animancers, but animals nonetheless find themselves attracted to and almost comfortable in the presence of an Animancer. [b][u]Necromancy:[/u][/b] Necromantic magic is the magic of using mana to manipulate the nether, a sort of energy that is associated with death and shadow. This means that Necromancers have the ability to raise and create undead, with the limit on how many entities a Necromancer can control being determined by the strength and experience of the Necromancer and the intelligence or complexity of the undead being controlled. More intelligent or complex undead can take quite a lot longer to raise and control properly, but their increased flexibility usually offsets the initial investment. Additionally, Necromancers are able to utilize the nether to wither enemies by eroding their life force, manipulate shadows and darkness, and even curse people or places. Necromancers also tend to find themselves being magnets for spirits and other forms of the wandering dead. This can sometimes be inconvenient, but most spirits are benign and just lonely, so it’s not really a dangerous trait. Needless to say, the association of Necromancy with the disturbing of the dead means that the school of magic doesn’t sit particularly well with a lot of the common folk. In fact, many nations have laws that forbid the practice of Necromancy due to the prevailing notion that it is an evil magic. This can make it rather difficult for Necromancers of a guild to perform missions in such areas due to possible backlash. [b][u]Alteration:[/u][/b] Alteration is, put quite simply, the magic of change. An Alterist is able to use their magic to adjust or manipulate the intrinsic characteristics of the objects around them or their own body to achieve pretty spectacular results, even if they aren’t all that flashy. For example, an Alterist can use their magic to make their clothes as hard as steel while making the sword of an enemy fragile or flexible to render it useless. Some Alterists specialize in using their magic to shapeshift, changing all or some of their body to give them the tools needed for a particular situation. It is also worth mentioning that, unless otherwise specified, the changes an Alterist chooses to make to an object, including their own body, are permanent. Of course, that doesn’t meant that another Alterist couldn’t undo changes that were made by a different Alterist. [b][u]Sanguination:[/u][/b] Sanguination is possibly better known as blood magic, although that term does carry a number of inaccurate associations among the common folk, foremost among them that Sanguination is a type of evil magic. One of its primary applications is the creation of blood runes or sigils that channel mana to particular purposes. Often, these runes are used to bind others, block things like scrying, or communicate over vast distances. Some more war-like Sanguinaires also use these runes to increase their strength or durability in battle by painting them on their skin or armor. Sanguinaires also have the ability to freely manipulate blood, though it is virtually impossible to significantly manipulate the blood in another person’s body. To clarify, a Sanguinaire can easily manipulate the blood in their body, but not others. This means that Sanguinaires can do things like change their blood flow to keep from bleeding out or the spread of poison, make constructs of blood, or even puppeteer themselves. Sanguinaires also have the ability to drain the energy of other people or animals in order to replenish themselves. While this can be done at a distance, it is a rather ineffective method compared to consuming the blood of another. [b][u]Abjuration:[/u][/b] Abjuration is the school of magic that is dedicated to virtually all defensive forms of magic, namely wards, barriers, and counterspells. Wards are constructs of mana that are used to alert the Abjurer who cast them whenever they are triggered. For example, a common usage of a ward is the notification that a trespasser is near. They are also often used to subvert or protect against indirect magic such as scrying. Barriers, however, are constructs of mana that are meant to block offensive uses of magic or weapons. In the case of magical attacks, wards can also be used to absorb the mana used in the attack, ultimately making the ward last longer or replenish the Abjurer’s energy. Clever Abjurers can also use barriers offensively, though it usually uses substantial amounts of mana to do so. Finally, counterspells are a trickier form of Abjuration magic where the Abjurer unravels or slices through the mana that constitutes the enemy spell. Properly timed counters can even cause some backlash to the other caster. Unfortunately, it requires quick reflexes and notable precision to consistently counter another person’s spells and attempting to do so while maintaining a barrier is virtually impossible. As such, counterspells leave the Abjurer particularly vulnerable and so are not used very commonly in small duels or fights. [center][h3][u]Magic Crafts[/u][/h3][/center] [b][u]Artifice:[/u][/b] Artifice is the name for the study and crafting magical items The most common magical items crafted by Artificers are focuses for mana such as wands, staves, or crystal orbs. These are very useful items for mages, particularly novices, as they allow for the user to channel more efficiently, although the extent depends upon the school of magic being used and the materials used in the item’s construction. Artificers are also able to create items that use mana in some way, most notably the creation of light for buildings. The field is still relatively new, so the actual limits of the craft have yet to be properly explored, but the potential does have quite a few mages interested. [b][u]Infusion:[/u][/b] Infusion is the process by which mundane objects are imbued with mana and become magical. The imbuing of mundane items with magical properties requires the use of mana stones, which are simply crystallizations of mana. These stones are often created by taking a gem of some sort and channeling mana through it for prolonged periods of time. To imbue the item, the mana from the stone is channeled into the item and directed in order to achieve a particular result. Once the process is started, it cannot be stopped until the infusion is finished. If it is, the resulting effect can be rather unpredictable. At best, the infused will do nothing and remain mundane. At worst, the item will explode in a surge of mana that damages the surrounding workshop quite heavily while potentially killing the crafter. [b][u]Alchemy:[/u][/b] Alchemy is the crafting of potions and tonics from the parts of plants and animals that have potent effects. Considering the incredibly diversity of plant and animal life, it shouldn’t be too surprising that Alchemists are able to brew potions and mixtures that have a wide variety of effects as well. Some of these potions are able to mimic the effects of magic altogether, like making someone invisible or making a weapon burst into flames when applied to it, while others simply boost the energy or provide a level of sustenance to help healing along. Of course, not all mixtures have such benign purposes. Alchemists are also able to use their knowledge to create deadly and cunning poisons to be slipped into a drink or applied to a weapon. [center][h3][u]Races[/u][/h3][/center] [hider=Human][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Human [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Green, blue, gray, brown, and amber [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Red, brown, blonde, black, gray, and white [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Ranges from very pale to very dark depending on environment [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually around 5 to 6.5 ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually around 120 to 200 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] None[/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] The biggest thing to note about human society is that they pride themselves on being able to adapt and overcome virtually any obstacle that stands in their way. This emphasis on adaptability also leads towards humans being more individualistic than most of the other races, caring more for their own needs and dealing with their own problems than for worrying about the needs of the many. As such, humans can be a rather ambitious lot, which tends to make the more intelligent among them well-suited to politics and the like. Monarchy is largely the most common form of government for predominantly human nations that are large enough to have an impact on an international level. In more remote locations, like the frozen north, humans often organize themselves into tribal families that are ruled by councils, which are in turn headed by chiefs who have demonstrated their strength or wisdom in service of the tribe. On a societal level, humans also tend to be rather egalitarian when it comes to matters of gender or ethnicity, though they can be rather prejudiced against members of other races. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Due to their incredible adaptability, humans actually don’t have a school of magic that they tend to have an affinity for. [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] (This is for things like being able to see in the dark easily, breathing underwater, etc.)[/hider] [hider=Sun Elf][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Sun Elf [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Green, gold, silver, or orange [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Auburn, blonde, silver, and black [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Ranges from pale gold to dark bronze [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually around 5.5 to 6.5 ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually around 130 to 170 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Like most fey-blooded creatures, Sun Elves possess pointed ears. [/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] Sun Elves are probably best known for their arrogant attitude toward the other races, which unfortunately has a tendency to get in the way of improving interracial relations. This haughtiness largely stems from the fact that Sun Elves consider the art and music created by a society to be the best indicator of that society’s overall value, however silly that may seem to outsiders. Many of the other races don’t consider art or music to be all that important, and so their creations, and therefore the society that made them, end up falling short in the eyes of many Sun Elves. Despite their arrogance, Sun Elves are very deliberate and patient people, making long-term plans cautiously and with no feeling of urgency. They also tend to have a strong aversion to flitting about at whims of fancy and thus have a strong inclination to follow through on their plans. As an example, Sun Elves usually commit very long amounts of time to mastering a particular craft before they’ll seriously consider taking up another. This is largely the reason that their arts and crafts are so phenomenal. The usual government structure used by Sun Elf societies is, like humans, that of monarchy with rigid hierarchical structures that separate the nobility from the commoners. While particularly talented craftsmen, musicians, or merchants can approach the nobility, it is virtually impossible for them to actually become a part of that class unless they were born to one of the Great Houses. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Enchantment [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] None[/hider] [hider=Wood Elf][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Wood Elf [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Blue, brown, green, or hazel [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Brown, black, auburn, or gray [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Lightly tanned to dark brown [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually about 5.5 to 6 ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually about 110 to 160 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Like most fey-blooded creatures, Wood Elves possess pointed ears[/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] Wood Elves tend to organize themselves into large clans that are determined almost exclusively by blood relation. The leaders of the clan, known as the chief and the speaker, are always a married couple that are elected by the other adult members of the clan. Which spouse takes which position depends on the will of the people as well. In general, the Wood Elves believe that a strong, confident woman is just as capable of being chief as a strong, confident man, and that men can be just as spiritually-inclined as women. Interestingly, the Wood Elves are also almost entirely carnivorous due to their belief that the life of plants are sacred and that consuming them, even after they’ve died, interrupts the natural cycle that every living thing is a part of. Wood Elves that violate this pact, even to save their own life, are shunned by the rest of the tribe and cast out as an outsider. Generally speaking, the Wood Elves accept that the members of other races don’t feel the same way about the consumption of vegetation, though they tend to believe that it’s a position steeped in ignorance. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Evocation [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] Wood Elves have the ability to see in dim light.[/hider] [hider=Moon Elf][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Moon Elf [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Silver, blue, violet, and green [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Black, silver, blueish, or white [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Pale, often with icy blue tones though darker gray tones are not unheard of [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually around 5.5 to 6.5 feet [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually around 110 to 160 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Like most fey-blooded creatures, Moon Elves possess pointed ears. [/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] Generally speaking, Moon Elves value intelligence, logical thinking, and cunning above almost every other character trait. Naturally, many Moon Elves decide to pursue hobbies or pass the time with activities that provide ample amounts of mental stimulation like strategic board games or solving various kinds of puzzles. Perhaps unsurprisingly considering the importance their society places on one’s mental capacity, Moon Elves typically also possess a strong desire to learn new things. As such, there are a significant number of Moon Elves that end up becoming scholars, finding employment in libraries, academies, or mage guilds around the world. Compared to the other Elvish races, Moon Elves tend to get along pretty well with members of the other races. This is largely because Moon Elves tend to lack the arrogance that seems so common in the other Elvish races. After all, it’s hard to try and learn all that you can about the culture and history of an outsider if you believe that it is all inferior to your own culture and history. Additionally, their interactions with the members of the other races tend to be more personal and involved, often eventually leading to a sort of friendship. Surprisingly, Moon Elf society is largely matriarchal. Females largely run the daily affairs of their household and engage in politics or scholarship, while the males focus on more physical pursuits like various crafts, agriculture, or utilizing their abilities with weapons. This should not be taken to mean that male Moon Elves are less intelligent than females, however. It’s just that their society expects them to accept different responsibilities. Their government takes the form of a monarchy, though one that is headed by a queen rather than a king. As such, they have the same sort of noble class as many other monarchical nations. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Necromancy [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] Moon Elves possess the ability to see in the dark.[/hider] [hider=Dwarf][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Dwarf [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Blue, green, brown, hazel, gray, or amber [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Brown, blonde, gray, white, black, or red [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Ranges from pale to dark brown [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually 4 to 5 ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually 160 to 220 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Generally a very stocky people. The men often grow and maintain very long beards.[/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] A strong, hardy, and stubborn people, Dwarves pride themselves greatly on their ability to maintain an orderly society. As such, they place a great deal of importance on following the law, regardless of whatever land they happen to be in, and tend to respect governmental structures and authority figures. They also strive to avoid causing trouble, and are thus often incredibly polite to those that they encounter. This should not be taken as a sign that Dwarves are particularly amiable to the members of other races, however. In fact, Dwarves are often deeply suspicious of foreigners and their strange traditions until they’ve proven that they mean no harm repeatedly. Dwarves generally held to a very practical view of magic compared to most races. While they accepted that it existed and could be useful, many Dwarves would still prefer to rely on the strength of their bodies or armaments before relying on magic. This is largely because Dwarves view magic has being inherently wild and unreliable. However, it is worth noting that they generally possess a great respect for the schools of Animancy and Abjuration, as well as the craft of Artifice and Infusion. The most common form of government among Dwarven communities is essentially a republic. Each adult in a province votes for the Dwarf they think should be on the Council that makes and enforces the law. The council then decides which of their number is the First Councilor, who is responsible for representing the Dwarves to the heads of states from other nations and leading the army if war is declared. Elections for Council positions are held every ten years, and its entirely common for a bad Councilor to be removed from their post by not being reelected in a subsequent election. The position of First Councilor is more flexible, however, and is required to be reappointed by the Council every two years. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Abjuration [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] Due to the fact that the Dwarves are a subterranean race, they have developed the ability to see quite well in the dark.[/hider] [hider=Gnome][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Gnome [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Glittery black, green, or blue [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Ranges from brown, auburn, and blonde to more exotic colors like green or orange [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Ranges from ruddy tan to woody brown to rocky gray [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually around 3 to 4 ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually around 40 to 50 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Like most fey-blooded creatures, Gnomes possess pointed ears. Gnomish males are often seen with very long beards.[/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] An intelligent and mischievous race, the Gnomes are perhaps best known for their propensity for playing harmless tricks on others. Though this can be a rather annoying tendency for outsiders to deal with, to the Gnomes a good prank or joke provides a reason to share a laugh with others and forget about the stresses of life. Because getting away with it is a crucial part of playing a good joke, the Gnomes tend to inadvertently stress the importance of being stealthy. As such, many of them find it rather easy to blend in or remain hidden when they want to be. Of course, the Gnomes don’t just use their intelligence to mess with other people. Ingenious and cunning, they live by the adage that it's better to work smarter than it is to work harder, often directing their intellect to coming up with ways of solving problems as efficiently as possible. Those among them with a more scholarly bent can often find themselves serving as engineers, directing and advising others on how to go about finishing a task in the easiest or most profitable way possible. Gnomes often tend to avoid gathering into large nations like most of the other races, feeling that the increased bureaucracy and rigid social structure would stifle their ability to be creative or to live as they pleased. As such, Gnomes tended to form clan-like communities that were ruled by the oldest or most experienced member among them. Every couple of years, the heads of each clan would meet together to discuss matters that affected their entire race, an occasion usually marked with festivals and feasts until the various clans went their separate ways again. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Illusion [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] None[/hider] [hider=Orc][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Orc [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Green, Blue, Brown, and Hazel [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Dark Red, Brown, Black, and Gray [*][b]Skin color:[/b] If they are a common Orc they are almost always green. If raised in the mountains they take more of a gray color. [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually around 5'10" to 7'ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually around 200 to 350 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Have pointed ears like the Elves but also have tusks and typically a more broad face. [/list][/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] Orcs are very unsociable toward the other races. So much so that the only information about Orc culture is from outcasts of their villages. They are the type of people to value strength as the most important thing in life and are always looking for a chance to fight/get stronger. The use of Magic is shunned in Orcish society because they believe it is for the weak who can not use their muscles. Also they have a passionate hate for Sun-Elf's because of how they used them and tried to dispose of them in what the Orcs call "The Early Years." Orcs run off a type of Chief system. Where the strongest warrior in the clan is the one who rules and directs the clan. Of course anyone can challenge the chief at anytime to take the title for themselves but if the challenger is to lose, then they are to be considered weak and outlasted. Most Orcs follow this type of clan tradition unless raised by a different culture. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] None, because of their view on Magic. [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] Dark Vision and enhanced strength compared to other races *Special credit to OrkytheOrc for helping compile this one*[/hider] [hider=Enuri][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Enuri [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Blue, green, brown, amber, gray, or hazel [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Red, brown, gray, white, black, or blonde [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Generally pale white to tan [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually 3 to 4.5 ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually 35 to 45 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Depends on the Enuri in question. Mammalian Enuri can have fangs or claws and almost always have a prehensile tail and ears. Reptilian Enuri often have fangs, a reptilian tongue, a tail, and some scales. Avian Enuri often have small wings, talons, and feathers on their shoulders.[/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] Due to their reclusive nature, the culture and society of the Enuri are largely unknown by the members of other races. In fact, many people don’t even really believe that they exist at all. Despite their isolationist tendencies, most of the stories told by people who claim to have encountered the Enuri do tend to emphasize that they were very hospitable to outsiders, tending wounds and offering lodging until the individual was recovered and wanted to leave. Likewise, these stories generally agree that the Enuri are a carefree people that seem to have a love of singing and dancing and that seem to never really feel a need to hurry. Ultimately, it would also appear from various reports that the Enuri largely consider the Tosuri to be of the same race despite their incredible differences in physiology. This makes a lot of sense considering the fact that the two groups seem to possess a strongly mutualistic symbiotic relationship. The Tosuri serve as the hunters and defenders of their two races, while the Enuri contribute their crafts and the produce from their farms. The Enuri are ruled by a chief who is succeeded by their oldest child whenever they die. In the event that the new chief would be a child, their guardian serves as the chief until they are an adult. The Enuri chief works with the Tosuri chief to run the day to day affairs of both races. If the two chiefs reach a disagreement on an issue, they call an assembly of every adult from both of their races to vote on how to handle it. In the event that the assembly comes up with a different way of solving the problem, the two chiefs can agree to veto the decision, which leads to another round of discussion and then another round of voting. This cycle repeats until a final decision is made. After a decision has been reached, there is usually a small festival so that people can let go of any hard feelings that they may have obtained during the Assembly. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Animancy [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] Enuri often have improved senses and the ability to speak with animals.[/hider] [hider=Tosuri][b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Tosuri [b][u]Description:[/u][/b] [indent][list] [*][b]Eye colors:[/b] Blue, green, brown, amber, gray, or hazel [*][b]Hair colors:[/b] Red, brown, gray, white, black, or blonde [*][b]Skin color:[/b] Ranges from pale white to dark brown [*][b]Avg. Height:[/b] Usually around 6 to 7 ft [*][b]Avg. Weight:[/b] Usually round 200 to 300 lbs [*][b]Special features:[/b] Depends on the Tosuri in question. Mammalian Tosuri often have thick fur covering their bodies, claws, a tail, and a snout. Reptilian Tosuri are often scaled with a tail and fangs and a lizard-like face. Avian Tosuri often have wings, a beak, and a feathered body.[/list] [/indent] [b][u]Culture/Society:[/u][/b] Due to their reclusive nature, the culture and society of the Tosuri are largely unknown by the members of other races. In fact, many people don’t even really believe that they exist at all. Many of the stories told by people who claim to have encountered them agree that they are generally suspicious of outsiders and that they can be rather hard to interact with. These reports also agree that the Tosuri are generally focused on living honorably and nobly, which to the Tosuri means having a courageous spirit, being trustworthy and reliable, and having the strength to protect others. Ultimately, it would also appear from various reports that the Tosuri largely consider the Enuri to be of the same race despite their incredible differences in physiology. This makes a lot of sense considering the fact that the two groups seem to possess a strongly mutualistic symbiotic relationship. The Tosuri serve as the hunters and defenders of their two races, while the Enuri contribute their crafts and the produce from their farms. The Tosuri are ruled by a chief who is succeeded upon death by the most capable adult in the community. This is determined through a series of physical challenges that test the wisdom, strength, and agility of the various candidates until there is a single victor. The Tosuri chief works with the Enuri chief to run the day to day affairs of both races. If the two chiefs reach a disagreement on an issue, they call an assembly of every adult from both of their races to vote on how to handle it. In the event that the assembly comes up with a different way of solving the problem, the two chiefs can agree to veto the decision, which leads to another round of discussion and then another round of voting. This cycle repeats until a final decision is made. After a decision has been reached, there is usually a small festival so that people can let go of any hard feelings that they may have obtained during the Assembly. [b][u]Typical affinity:[/u][/b] Alteration [b][u]Special abilities:[/u][/b] Tosuri often have improved senses and the ability to speak with animals.[/hider]