We all know of the crusaders, Deus Volt and stuff. The military orders kept their operations to them selves for the most part. But what if during the second crusade, a party of warrior monks from all orders banded together (with the Popes permission of course) and fought the heathens, freeing the holy land? Well that is the idea for “[i]The Grand Crusade[/i]” a RP that takes place early in the second crusade. With a unlikely band of Teutonic, Templar, and Hospitaller knights fighting together. The road will be rough but they will fight through. Setting the stage, The year is 1130, a monk is told in his dreams to assemble a group from all orders and venture into the holy land. He first goes to the pope, to seek permission. He then goes to Germany getting the teutons on his side, then to France to gain the trust of the other two. This whole trip has taken 2 years, it is now the fall of 1132, Warriors from across Europe arrive in Rome for this band of brothers. Ready to leave in the spring. The group is lead by a Fearless Teutonic knight, Wolfram Von Winterburg. This is not his first venture to the holy land, and if it’s up to him it won’t be his last. So stick by him. I’ll meet you in the armory young man. [hr] Please let me know if you have any intrest (or questions) in a alt-history crusade. I’ve got lore already written an ready to go. Along with 22 characters with fully written stories. (80 something pages of lore and characters) I’ll see you below!