[@soren] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/serif-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180821/8afede11b2e681816147253f970e5858.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] Lilith’s dad hung out the window of his Limo as it drove away [b]”I LOVE YOU LILY, DON”T FORGET TO WRITE!"[/b] he yelled. She stood there at the side of the road waving till he was out of sight then pulled out the odd letter she’d received that if she’d not been hearing the whispers of her mom she’d have written off to some wack job crackpot; the fact that she tried out the pendant and grown wings and flew one night helped as well. On the last page was a set of instructions of how to find Camp Half/Blood that bid her to enter the heavy woods and walk towards the river. It was a lovely place she walked through reminding her that New York wasn’t just the city that bore the same name and had places of natural beauty still left. On her back she carried 47 pounds of clothing, shoes, Ipad, sleeping bag hammock, makeup, and sundries...oh and the over the top guitar (Guild D-55 acoustic). She had asked for one of his 75+ acoustics and he’d blown 6,000 + on the beautiful custom one she now had. She had to talk him out of stuffing two bundles of 100 dollar bills pointing out she still had her cards. As she walked she felt the first twinge of homesickness mingled with the excitement of the unknown and first breath of being on her own. She wasn’t afraid and knew that whatever happened she was ready for it as she hiked through the pines. Perhaps it was curiosity that made this all seem so interesting or the idea that she’d learn more about herself and how talents that had begun to surface worked and could be used. It was while deep in thought she felt a slight sensation that was like walking through a spider’s web of something else as intangible not realizing she’d walked through the barrier around the camp. So it was with a bit of surprise she suddenly heard people shouting, laughing and the strange sound of steel on steel as somewhere people were at sword practice. She was supposed to look for Chriron a name she knew from the myths she’d studied was a centaur of no small renown. He was a teacher in the myths connected to Achilles, Actaeon, Ajax, Heracles, Oileus, Theseus and several other mythical hero of Greece. If it was the same Chriron then that would be impressive because it would make him at least 3, 000 years old give or take a century or two. So spotting a worn path she decided to take it as the letter had said towards the river which though she couldn’t see she could smell as a sweet scent of water ahead and the shadows of buildings hidden among the trees.