[Right][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170707/a6874ba9c56381fc40e9ff7f66d63897.png[/img] [h3]Tenrou Island[/h3][/right][hr][@MarshiestMallow][@Crimson Raven][@t2wave] (And whomever else can see Mayt)[hr] Mayt was impressed as the boat he was helping row approached the island. Unlike the other members of his guild he didn't feel the turmoil, the destruction or the constant combat between the dark and the light magics. He instead felt the weight of the magic- an ocean, trying to drown him before he got to land. Before long his body was crying out in aches as he struggled against the unseen current, muscles working hard to slog through the molasses. His throat clogged and made it impossible to breath, his eyes lost focus, sweat beaded on his forehead just from the effort of turning his head to look around. Just as it reached an apex, so thick Mayt wouldn't have been surprised if he hit a wall, the air released its stranglehold on him. In hopes of relieving the pain of not breathing, Mayt took several deep breaths and grabbed his chest. The boat he was on reached shore before Mayt's breath had returned, and his shirt now had clear sweat lines. Mayt climbed off the boat and stood on the shore, surveying his surroundings surely as much as they were surveying him. He could still feel the magic in the air. It wasn't as oppressive as it had been mere moments prior, fortunately. He made his way over to where Sasha had landed just as the shaking of the island began. He braced himself where he stood as well as he could, but ended up crouching much like Sasha had. Unlike her however, when the roar hit them he fell onto his side, sitting in the wet shore. He covered his ears and closed his eyes. The roar felt like an attack, the island shouting him down for [i]daring[/i] to [i]think[/i] he had earned the right to so much as [i]look[/i] at it, much less set foot on its shores. When the roar finally subsided, it took Mayt another moment to believe it. Slowly, hesitantly, he stood up again and looked at Sasha. He felt embarrassed that she had stood up to the roar while he had shied away in cowardice. He fixed his clothes, brushed himself off and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. [color=50c878]"[sub]Well...[/sub]"[/color] Mayt stopped and cleared his throat as his voice came out quiet, shaky, and tinny in the heavy air of the island. [color=50c878]"Well, something isn't very happy,"[/color] he observed dryly after taking a breath to clear his mind. Since Sasha seemed to know the most about what was going on, he gave her a sidelong glance before returning to scanning for any signs of trouble approaching.