[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/f8ABAz/44251d8ed7b26e76d4218a737476fd47.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180822/f614e9fb7407c8485af9e176e26b28ee.png[/img][/center] He patted the young, very pregnant hound on the head as he sat in a comfortable chair beside the fire. He was staying at one of the estates he owned in Veriton. A snifter of brandy was held in his other hand and a book lay open on his lap. He was already dressed and ready for the party. He had hoped to have an hour or so of solitude before all of the noise of a grand ball. Mars sipped the last of the alcohol from his glass and set it on the small table beside him. The tome soon followed. [color=00a99d][b]"I suppose I should be on my way then, huh Kimberly?"[/b][/color] he asked of the beast. She merely stretched on her side with a groan, exposing her very full belly. Mars gave her one last scratch before he made his way to the door. His valet stood ready with his deep blue jacket which would help darken his eyes to a pale, stormy blue. It also matched the gold brocade waistcoat he wore and stood out against pale cream pants. His long hair was fastened at the nape of his neck with a piece of leather to keep it from his well-defined face. The valet handed him his top hat and cane and with that Mars was ready to mingle. Mars had been tempted to ride a horse to the palace but his valet had reminded him that women did not generally enjoy when their suitors smelled of the barn. He laughed, admitting the man was right and instead hired a carriage to take him to the gates. It was still quite early and only a handful of guests had arrived. Not even the queen regent and King had appeared. Tut! Were they taking a page from their Usamolian neighbors? Mars grabbed himself a glass of wine and set about talking to many familiar faces and being introduced to new ones. He laughed and charmed in only the way a man of his years could. At long last, the Queen Regent arrived with all her fanfare. Not too long after so did the son. He greeted the King warmly, shaking his hand - surprised at this rather informal way of doing things. As a man who had experienced war and hardships, he could hardly say he minded though. Next to make a grand entrance were the First Prince of Ursamolia and the tiny Princess Vanya Parinaaz Myra. The princess had really outdone herself - all glitter and bells. And to even present the king with a tiger of all things! The girl knew how to get attention. When the pair stepped away from the Royals, he made a bee-line for them. [color=00a99d][b]"Prince Rahman, Princess Pari!"[/b][/color] he shouted in good humor. He was about the reach out for a handshake when he realized his mistake, considering where they were, he cleared his throat and bowed stiffly to the prince. [color=00a99d][b] "Greetings, royal highnesses,"[/b][/color] he said in a gruff and serious way. His face was turned into a scowl that would rival Rahman's. It did not last long before his usual boisterous smile returned. He heard Pari giggle and he took her hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles. He had to bow low in order to reach the hand properly. [color=00a99d]"Lovely to see you as always, my darling."[/color] [color=7ea7d8][b]"It is too good to see you as well. Too long, in fact. You make my heart weep in your absence."[/b][/color] The young woman pouted at him but there was a playful touch to her lips and eyes. [color=00a99d][b]"Had I known you were coming I would have put you both up in my house. Though I do not know how the hounds would have done with a tiger." [/b][/color] He stayed for a little while to chat and catch up a bit when across the room the most elegant and gorgeous of scowls caught his eye. He paused his sentence, shook his head and turned back to the pair. [color=00a99d][b]"I beg you would forgive me. I have merely spied the most adorable and grumpy little strumpet. It is my sworn duty to go and bother such a cute frown. Prince Rahman, you should drop by the house sometime so we may talk of old times."[/b][/color] He bowed, this one much more elegant than his joking formal one had been. [color=00a99d][b]"Peace be upon you,"[/b][/color] he said in Urso before making his way across the room. On his way to the pretty, dark-haired snake, Mars acquired another glass of wine. He settled his face into a frown that matched hers and came to settle against the wall beside her. It first he said nothing, simply sipped his wine and glared much in the same way she did. Finally, after a couple of minutes of glaring and glowering, he said, [color=00a99d][b]"How many people do you suppose we can terrify into thinking we have cursed them by the end of the night?" [/b][/color] The frown could not hold. Mars' lips spread into an open and congenial smile. [color=00a99d][b]"Honeycutt, at your service madam."[/b][/color] He reached for her hand so that he could bow his tall frame over it and brush a kiss across her knuckles. [color=00a99d][b] "And may I ask the name of the enchanting lady here? And the man who causes her to frown, so that I may challenge his stupidity."[/b][/color]