[@Guess Who][@Crimmy][@NaraK] [color=silver][b]Sterling Johnson[/b] "Heard about that one, actually."[/color] Up strode the one-armed wonder of the crew in all of his rugged, smirking glory, doubtlessly mirthful eyes hidden behind his weather-and-locale-appropriate aviators. His arm was freshly polished and coated to resist any potential wear-and-tear from sea spray or underwater combat (basically paranoia, but it never hurt to be doubly sure about these things), and his blue bomber jacket was casually slung over a shoulder to reveal black tank and bronzing muscle beneath. [color=silver]"Apparently there's a rumor the midshipmen spread around that she's memorized the contents of every MRE they serve here. Wild shit if it's true. How's the drink looking down there?"[/color] he asked, before those brown shades were turned to gaze upon a smoldering ponytail of orange. [color=silver]"And what's Boss Hottie's issue?"[/color]