There was definitely something Ardasa liked about Ternoc. It was his propensity to talk, and his almost eager willingness to give advice. Rughoi would never admit it, but Ternoc was older, and more experienced at the helm of a nation than he. Conversation flowed easy when both sides understood the trials and troubles that came with running a state. "I would love nothing more," she said. It just became easy to let Ternoc take the lead, talking as he went of the marvels he housed as if he saw them every day, which she supposed, he did. Was it so easy, to take even a city such as this for granted? She sighed, knowing that it was. Xigyll had experienced such wondrous growth so quickly, and she just let it all pass by. From the steps of the palace, she could see nearly the entirety of the city. It was so grand, watching the sun glinting off the spires, in patterns of blue and red and yellow. Magic was hard at work in them, sending glittering sparks through shoots that emptied out into the open air. Magic was an odd thing, and while blessed so plentifully to the dracons, was seldom something a kobold might make use of. What few wizards Xigyll had were cherished and kept safe, tasked with duties around the palace and given high positions within the temple or the auxiliary army. "So, Your Majesty. Where do you plan on leading me first?" she asked, looking down at the endlessly winding, splitting roads. Was there even a corner left unpaved?