"Acceptance," She howled outwards, even as the orc lifted her up. [i]Beast![/i] She thought to herself, but her limbs refused to act, to show the creature the might with which she... No longer wielded. "I aught to accept what the world has thrown at I?" She wasn't making proper sense any more, but the words kept coming out, stumbling over one another even as the greenskined... Creature hefted her up and dumped her on her feet. She hissed at it, or at least she thought she did, it probably sounded more like she had almost sneezed. "My senses dulled! My divine gone! I stand here, prostrating myself to mortals for coin! Where aught I go for this [i]acceptance?"[/i] She slammed her fist down against the top of the bar, stumbling back and away from the man offering out a job. The sheer force of her fistfall caused the stone to groan at the impact, and she had only just restrained herself from slamming the sharpened end of her axe down again. She turned to the orc, inebriated to the point where obscenities wouldn't come out of her mouth, and nothing [b]but[/b] obscenities. "Your... Mother sounds capable for an orc." She hiccuped unexpectedly, and then groaned. Why did this have to happen? [b]"WHY?!"[/b] She spoke again when she intended to keep her mind and mouth closed. Damnations. [b]DAMNATIONS.[/b] She managed not to say that one, thankfully. Then her head whipped about. "The earthmother? One of the forest? Oh a cruel trick the world likes to play! I am of the field. Was of the field? I know not if I am or was or will be. " She reached in to her armour and yanked out her holy symbol, practically shoving it in his face, before turning back to the job-giver, the amulet clinking against her mail. "A job! Yes! A job. That is the one thing I require, a way to escape this inescapable. Lethargy! Yes, that is the word and the world that I inhabit. Lethargy, lethargy lethargy, it sticks to me like a parasite, I wish to strip it, exorcise it out of me in its entirety."