[img]https://scontent.fmvd1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/39861864_148858079362246_6139483938055258112_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=fdeb530b2600aea00bd88aa7d1fdd486&oe=5BF92713[/img] Name: Noir Bluegrave Age: 26 Role: Captain of the countryside defense. Personality and biography: Noir is an easy-going woman, yet a bit violent at times, she was born in the Bluegrave family, a clan of distinguished militars, she however, was born a woman and her father, Coronel Ergant Bluegrave, wanted her to be a nun, on the other hand Noir wanted to be a militar like her older brothers, as this was impossible she escaped from home at the age of 13. From her 13's to her 23's she spent her youth un the countryside, stealing and selling cattle, drinking un taverns and from time to time fighting Woodgrove's patrolls that abused from their authority. Nair had a good education and she had the charm needed to gather a good number of 60 cattle thieves. The time passed and Noir recived a letter, from her mother, in which she informed Noir of the sudden death of her father and older brothers. Noir returned to the capital just to assist to their funerals. When she was leaving the soldiers took her under arrests. After thinking it for a few days the King allowed to go free on one condition: She and her men had to join the army and keep the countryside, which she knew like the palma of her hand as well as it's people, under control. Now when not in the countryside she can be seen in the castle un company of some higher ranks or at the Bluegrave Manor