[quote] What games defined your childhood and why? What aspects of them interested you and how have they shaped your taste? And how do they hold up for you? [/quote] The big starter for me would be Doom. 1994 and I just came off some classic Apogee gaming package that included Word Rescue, Crystal Caves, Hocus Pocus, Monster Bash, and Raptor when I found a folder on the computer simply titled "Doom II". Young me knew it wasn't a standard DOS program at that age and so I saw that it was an .exe file... and thus I opened it. Seven years of age and I had entered my first ever first person shooter. A level that began with two zombies and a chainsaw, but yet I wasn't fearing the game. Even with the imps, the pigs, and some of the other creatures I was able to hold some courage but the creature that scared the crap out of me and bought fear to my heart was the Archvile. You see, I came across some cheats but I could never remember iddqd as God mode, but I new the stage select cheat and when you warp into a stage with a pistol and this thing starts raising the dead... nope, fuck off, I'm out. Now days, I do still venture back into Mars to hunt the demons of hell. I've even gone as par as to play the iPhone port and even PS3. While it doesn't hold up graphically today and it's a clunky experience, there is something still there that shows why Doom was such an impact on the gaming scene back in the 90s. - I will mention more later, but for now I'll start off with my first real experience.