The bartender, who was a lanky, old man, took a long, hard look at the orc, then glanced at the drunken paladin, who's tab had grown quite large, and then turned around to look for some water. He walked into a room behind the counter, grabbed a mug and dipped it into a barrel of clear liquid. It WAS water, but what good was water anyway? It was dirty most of the time, and people got sick by drinking it. The lanky, old man returned and found the orc still waiting. Fair enough, the coins were also there... A little dirty, but dirty water got you dirty coins. "Here you go, lad. Have her avoid breaking anything else..." Whined the bartender and placed the mug on the counter, right in front of the green skinned fellow. The old man's long fingers picked up the coins and dropped them in a sack on his belt.