"Yes acceptance. For nothing else will push your forward in this time." Aredis chided, sounding confident enough, even though the man was still coming to grips with what good accepting the death of his God would do as well. It seemed to calm him a bit to lie to others. It was all he could do to not break down the longer he dwelled on the thought. Perhaps that was just due to all of the pain he was experiencing from his shoddily repaired limbs. He had still not even come to see any of the mayhem that occurred in the civilized areas. Yet if the beasts of the forest had gone so berserk, he shuddered at the idea of what state the people were in. As it had seemed, his God was not the only that had perished, this idea shook him deeply. Who could have dismantled the entirety of the Heavenly Accord? Amidst this emotional crisis, his thoughts were interrupted suddenly by a strong hand shoving him from the side and to the ground. In his stumble he landed awkwardly on his bad leg, wincing and letting out a sharp [i]hiss[/i] from between grinding teeth. The cane with the head of a badger clattered to the floor beside him with a solid sound. Turning his head back to face the lizard man, who was no longer regarding him directly, he spit at the thighs feet. "You mean to tell me that you are a dragon? It had been some years since a dragon graced me with their majesty, yet I do recall them being significantly larger, with wings, and no walking upright upon two legs. So in that case you must be a half breed or no dragon at all. Just some pathetic beast that wishes to claim greatness." He was sure he would regret that biting retort, yet it mattered little. The damned thing had taken such offense to what was a simple comment. While Aredis certainly thought less of the beast folk and half breeds, this one had not wronged him in any way so he had reserved judgment. It pained him that in his current state there was little he could do to defend himself. While the world still answered to his touch and would bend to his will to a degree, it might as well not matter as nearly all of it was dead or dying. That was going to change however, Aredis would heal this land. Make it whole again and relish in the song of the earth. For what else has he spent his life doing but training to bring peace to the flora and fauna of this land? At this unfortunate moment however, he would've payed someone to tear his leg off if it ended the pain. The one legged priest would've been an interesting sight.