[h2][centre] [color=6ecff6]Victoria Darya Romus "Vika" [/color] [/centre][/h2] [h3][centre] [color=a2d39c]Light house, That's all folks, weekend to Tuesday morning, outside Old Sol museum (edited) . "Daughter of Persephone"[/color][/centre][/h3] [hr] Victoria wandered past the range of ornate and priceless gems, crowns and golden masterpieces of the East, she was walking slowly down past a large display of blades and jewelled muskets, ornate and master works but deadly at the same time. A small thought back, Milo might thr look of a few of these. A few minutes taking chance to sit down as despite the near miracle recovery, we'll she was not going to running a sprint may time soon. Not without tiring or face planting, taking it easy was needed. The doctors where rather firm on the fact she could make herself worse if Victoria pushed too hard, or tried too much at once. Walking slowly down a large stone staircase, taking it easy and with one hand for support heading down to see what was on the lower floor of the museum and see what kind of exhibition was advertised downstairs. She had vaguely read the signs as came in and mainly stuck to Dhino Sol and the Eastern weapons section, art was not always her thing. Texting Maria to meet up and chat, there where a few things they needed to clear the air on and also a few things she needed to be reassured of. The situation with the marriage was more complicated than for Marilania as it was just parents, and not step situation. She was genuinely happy for Maria and Vesarian that they finally after some 27 years on and off where happy together. Glancing at a sign the art gallery was nearby, she was feeling a alittle strange so stopped for a second, it was pretty normal for her to have little moments, so paused for 30 seconds as it passed. Maybe it was a medicine or just a little blip. When she made her way near passing a ornate Hall with a grand chandler next to the gallery room, everything about thr building seemed to have been designed as a Palace not a museum. Seeing a blonde haired woman who looked vaguely familiar walking past the door, and voices, it was too echoey and the acoustics did not allow you to hear though the next one was far more aidable though out thr galleries. Then Sol city drama came for the sisters Romus onc more, a serris of loud gunshots, they where definitely close. The acrid scent of cordite was a smell she knew but seemed stronger than she remembered, whoever it was definitely was not firing nerf rounds. A second scent met her as she began to switch into a panic, a sickly, Metalic scent that could only be blood. Blood was not normal this intense. That was real. Too long in hospitals meant it was one Victoria knew of quite well. Panic was soon replaced by her fathers lessons, run, if you cannot get safe. Remembering thr map, there where a few what could be employee zones but all had swipe cards locks, nothing she couldn't hack into would a tool kit, alas the mythical woman's handbag did not extend to a portable computer and set of eletrical tools. Plus she did not want to quite let the world know how skilled she was at breaking security as making it unless she had to. Spotting a computer controlled exit or cargo door. that would work, the shouts around where growing and she likely would be trampled taking that exit right now. Smart, time to makw her own. Forcing her shakey hands to work, and with a deft serris of commands, luckily people forgot to patch and never updated XP. That made it easier. With a few more lines of code on a old backdoor that was meant for system maitience she gained access and tapped away bypassing the basic password in 30 seconds flat. Password down, there was no more gunfire but that was no indication she was safe. Disengaging the lock was easy, no one expected you to attack a system from the inside... Though as it seemed clam she covered her tracks, setting the computer to do a bunch of things your not meant to do. Given 10 or so minutes it would a useless paper weight as it ravaged its own software and hardware was driven to breaking points. Smashing it would be quicker... But that made noise. And there was a potential threat roaming the halls. Making it out the door, before quietly shutting it nearly skidding on ice, obviously no one had used the Dock since before the storm, the gate below was ajar luckily. Someone obviously got sick of clearing snow so they just left it. Thank god for lazy people. Adrenaline bringing thr drain, she ended up relying on the walking stick for support. The shock of finding a exit was not exactly helpful. There had been a fire exit, but it could have been barricaded. Walking outside to see a growing crowd outside, the visitors still streaming out and the sound and light of sirens in the other direction. Whatever this was not gonna be cleared up and open again by the afternoon! Stopped by a police officer, Victoria's ability to suppress her fear have way completly and emotions flooded out the dams that had been holding them back, and adrenaline that had been driving her to fuction and quickly work out the exit. Slumping onto a concrete planter, she explained how she used a side door, not sure what what was going on and only wanting to escape by any exit possible. Slumped on the planter, Victoria made a rather scared call to Maria telling her stay clear of the museum, gunshots and blood. It took a few times for Maria to be conveshe was safe as sirens echoed in the background and the city emergency reponse descended like a swarm of high vi's and multi coloured ants. Maria would not be getting there, but she would definitely be trying... Though it would be a good idea! Depending on what happened. Her car might be stuck for a while! Refusing medical aid, she was not hurt just shaken up, and merely took a foil blanket for warmth. She needed time not treatment. A woman caught her eye, or was it memory. The two where pretty confused overwhelmed by the events. Her dad's lessons had helped her remain clam at the time. The emotions where not gone though, you always had to deal. With the aftermath. Intresting hair stuck out, or was strange what you remembered in a panic. Some things blurred like little things like hair colour where vivid as anything. Had she seen her before. It was a big city but somehow certain people just kept cropping up... It was a very small world... A shaking hand tried to message Marinalia she was safe but it looked like a mixture of letters that might make a word. If you where drunk, and took several tries to get it right. Of thr museum wanted a new computer fine. But gunfire was definitely was reason to use her alternative skills. ... Swearing at the news and the phone call, Maria left what was left of her coffee, grabbing her keys before reaching the Bentley and feeling a small relief as the powerful engine roared to life. Step daughter or biological, family was what mattered. Mentions. [@Pilatus][@Rodiak]