[hider=Ileshra] [center][h2] Ileshra Xanahir a.k.a. Tsivari Khastae [/h2][/center] [center][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/micriq.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Race:[/b] Lynx/Snow leopard Alori [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Job:[/b] Deckhand/Boarding party [b]Weapons:[/b] [hider=Battle suit] [center][IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/aazupl.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center]The suit is optimized for stealth, speed, and agility. The armour’s main features are its superb camouflage system and its sound absorption, the latter making any movement nearly silent. It has decent protection against blunt-type attacks and is resistant to environmental hazards to an extent. It’s most vulnerable to piercing and laser-based damage. It’s basically designed to help evasion, not take a severe beating. It is custom built to fit her specific Alori anatomy comfortably. The helmet specifically muffles sounds of certain amplitudes and frequencies which would otherwise be harmful to the naked ear, but doesn’t impede any other sounds.[/center][/hider] [hider=V-13 BIS] [center][IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/14npm5t.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center]A plasma powered, laser assisted pistol with an integrated silencer. Most effective at close to mid ranges, against unarmoured opponents. A close enough shot can cause notable damage to someone wearing a battle-suit or such, a bruise or even a bone break – an accurate enough shot to the neck might even kill a lightly armoured target.[/center][/hider] [hider=FE-58 SPPE] [center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/650a9u.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center]A popular model of an assault rifle, commonly used by soldiers as well as mercenaries. Relies entirely on plasma but packs a punch. Has a longer range, faster rate of fire, and can more easily eat through protections compared to her pistol, but it isn’t as accurate. The weapon is prone to begin overheating if not given enough time to cool down between switching magazines.[/center][/hider] [i][b]Grenades:[/b][/i] 3x smoke grenades, 1x stun grenade, 1x frag grenade, 1x incendiary grenade. She can carry 6 grenades on the belt of her battle suit at any time. [b]Abilities:[/b] [indent]◊ [b]Espionage:[/b] Skilled in obtaining information, whether by stealthily breaking into a secure location or simply blending amongst the legitimate personnel and common-folk of an establishment. Ileshra has experience locating, observing (or eavesdropping to), memorizing, and sometimes recording pertinent data. She can gain valuable insight even from seemingly mundane conversations or rumours. She is practiced in the art of tailing others inconspicuously and as such, is very sensitive to being tailed or observed in return. Ileshra is closely familiarized with the methods of ensuring secure communications with the desired party and can conceal as well as transfer the targeted information (or, in some cases, an object or a person) to a chosen destination – though such conveyance typically necessitates the assistance of allies. [b]◊ Military training:[/b] Experienced in CQC, knows how to disable, restrain, or kill targets. Has the know-how to competently use a variety of weapons. She is also capable of operating a Sword. Her combat style uses her speed, maneuverability, and agility to their utmost advantage, and when faced with an opponent she can either take them down swiftly or harass them long enough to find an opening (to kill them or to escape), depending on their capability. She is well-versed in evading attacks and using the opponent’s (physical) strength against them but isn’t suited to taking much of a beating. As such, she’s fully willing to use what some might perceive as trickery, underhandedness, and dirty fighting – anything that might gain her an advantage. [b]◊ Natural feline abilities:[/b] Ileshra is naturally agile and flexible and could have made for an excellent gymnast under different circumstances. She is a good climber, could probably fit into some unlikely locations, and can seemingly jump effortlessly, though greater heights and distances require a moment of preparation. Even if she were to fall from somewhere, she would twist her body mid-air and then make as safe of a landing as possible in the situation. Her senses, especially her sight, hearing, and smell, are much higher when compared to a human or even to a different type of Alori. In the direst of circumstances, she could use her claws and teeth as a weapon. She has what could be termed ‘night vision’ and as such can see very well in low-light conditions. However, she has a very limited ability to taste sweetness. She can shed or grow fur according to the environment’s temperature, but is best suited to colder climates, and would suffer in hotter, especially arid, climates. Though she has learned how to swim in controlled conditions, she is still instinctively afraid of being submerged into water and would most certainly panic if that were to happen unexpectedly. She strongly dislikes small confined spaces and loud noises. Her tail and pads (on her palms and feet) are some of the more vulnerable parts of her anatomy and she must take extra care to protect them. [/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] Ileshra can perhaps be best characterized as a cynical individual, and is of the opinion that good intentions and holier-than-thou preachers can go screw themselves with a very sharp stick. She’s cautious and solitary, mainly because she considers trust and loyalty as lofty ideals that are unlikely to ever be applied in relation to her, however she might wish that were possible. What some might find surprising, however, is that she can get along with others just fine, especially if they don’t mind her occasional bitterness, resentment, and sarcasm. Ileshra also values co-operation, as she’s experienced its advantages, though she is [i]very well aware[/i] that for it to have desirable results, at least a basic alignment towards a common goal is necessary. However, she’s rather got used to the fact that any allies she manages to find are temporary at best. Despite being considered a traitor by two governments, she is proud of herself and regrets no past actions. The best kinds of relationship with others in her opinion are the ones based on a mutual respect. It probably goes without saying that Ileshra highly values individual freedom (specifically, her own). With an accompanying strong sense of pragmatism, however, she is quite willing to be someone else’s subordinate, as long as they don’t cross her lines – and given how few she has, she doesn’t believe that to be too high of a requirement. In the recent years, she has acquired somewhat of a taste for engaging in daredevil behaviour. [b]Short bio[/b]: Either abandoned or orphaned since her birth – she’d never been able to find out which – Ileshra remembers being raised in what appeared to be a charity funded orphanage. There were numerous other children within the establishment, all Alori of various ages (the only ones above the age of majority the employees, for obvious reasons). It was a frequent occurrence that a child left the facility, presumably by being adopted, transferred elsewhere, or due to having run away onto the streets. At the beginning, Ileshra wondered at what the life of those who left might be like, but soon realized that such speculation was quite pointless. She also learned that while companionship was- [i]useful[/i], it was better not to treasure it, as one never knew when they might part with a friend only to never see or hear from them again. From early on in her life, her time was almost wholly dedicated to being educated alongside the other children – though calling it training would be likely more accurate, as there were plans of initiating the capable young-lings to fill a very specific role. The children often learned in groups, though these were not necessarily homogeneous in age. Ileshra noticed that the children doing the worst were…[i]transferred[/i] the soonest. Next, the mediocre ones were gone. Then begun a constantly on-going competition amongst the average ones, and those who managed to exceed their initial potential remained longer, though not always [i]significantly[/i] longer. And they all struggled to remain in this specific facility, because it was [i]special[/i], and which orphan wouldn’t want to be special? After they managed to complete their basic education, sometime in their early to mid-teenage years, each child was adopted by a guardian or two, and the new family was shipped off either by itself or accompanying other travellers towards not only another planet, but an entirely different galaxy, under the purview of a different government. Ileshra was given a new name, and perhaps more importantly, new documents. She was now to be known as Tsivari Khastae, daughter to a pair of middle-aged Alori seeking to find a different life. They settled in HBE’s residential sector, and so began Tsivari’s time of studying in a foreign world, within a new culture, for the first time facing the variety of existent races head on, and living under a different type of government. About a year after her arrival, she was contacted by an unknown Alori, who made her an exclusive one-time offer of initiating her as a spy for the UTF, something she had apparently been evaluated as being capable of. Desiring the feeling of importance and a connection with her homeland, even one as feeble as this one would be, Tsivari accepted. She suspected at least one of her new adoptive parents was part of the UTF intelligence service, though this wasn’t something she ever managed to confirm. Either way, by the time she reached adulthood, she became well versed in espionage and was given the long-term mission to infiltrate HBE’s military, which she enrolled into straight away. Following this path, she was soon transferred into the Gawain system. She played the role of a loyal imperial soldier, accomplished her missions efficiently, passed along valuable (usually classified) information off to the UTF, and steadily secured her position as an individual trusted by the targeted HBE. Why, Tsivari figured in but a few years she’d be well within reach of an enticing high-security clearance position! And that would practically be a jackpot. She imagined the way to that goal would be paved with more of the same as reaching her current position had been. That is, she fully expected to further co-operate in subjugating, capturing, torturing or killing the empire’s enemies even when she personally wished them no ill will. Her work often included supressing riots and beating on encountered rebels (even and especially Alori ones) as well, a job she carried out even though she secretly found their open resistance admirable, if also incredibly foolish. She routinely betrayed imperial colleagues and superiors, all the while knowing they simply acted in accordance with their duty, just as she did – they simply happened to be on the opposite side. Not to say that she lamented her lifestyle. It was all she knew. It was her one and only purpose in life. She well recognized she was but a simple pawn to her homeland, the information she provided valued, while she, as an individual, was not. There was no recognition in her line of work. No glory. Nonetheless, she was proud of what she did. As such, she never entertained the possibility of receiving a mission she would be unwilling to complete. Oh, how wrong she turned out to be. So very, very wrong. Tsivari received missive that a high-ranking military man from one of the other planets in the Gawain system, believed to possess some priceless information, travelled to Tristan for an extended duration. Her UTF allies ensured that her imperial superiors believed she had plenty of reason to head for that planet as well. And Tsivari did indeed relocate for the time being. However, the details of her mission indicated she was to procure that vital information by seducing the male. Apparently, he just so happened to have a penchant for a specific type of Alori girl. To say that Tsivari was shaken to her core with [i]disgust[/i] was not an understatement. To become a pleasure toy – even if a temporary one – for a [i]human[/i]? Why, the mere idea was repulsive to the point of blasphemy! And no, she no longer held any particularly strong discriminatory sentiment towards humans, but that did [i]not[/i] mean she was willing to let herself be used by one in such a way. So, apparently her loyalty did extend only [i]so[/i] far. And within the expected time-frame in which she should have been working towards her goal…Tsivari decided to do something else. Something entirely crazy. Something that more than warranted keeping a suicide pill on her at all times. She worked to discover the existent rebels in Tristan, inflamed their anti-imperial sentiments, helped to recruit dissidents that might have otherwise stayed on the hedge, spread information that would entice this rebel force to act soon, and circulated strong unfavourable rumours about her target – rumours which were backed by compelling (faked and actual) evidence of his indecency. Tsivari procured a Sword and had it modified to increase its capabilities of long flights, speedy manoeuvring, and payed good money to have one of the best stealth cloaking technologies she could manage to obtain worked into it. She couldn’t be thankful enough for the several space missions she had been in, as they had required the participating soldiers to all acquaint themselves with at least the basics of operating a Sword. She had the small space vessel (and various other travelling necessities) shipped off to a leased, nondescript warehouse to a planet in the Lamorak system. A week or so before the riots, including the attack on her supposed target’s residence was set to begin, Tsivari made the final preparations to leave the Empire. She informed the UTF, she’d meet with her target on a Lamorak planet and indicated she might have to resign as a soldier to be successful in the seduction mission. Thus, when she handed in her resignation to the HBE, she was granted it easily enough. She travelled from Gawain to Lamorak, and two days before the riot on Tristan, left the planet and the Empire’s territory discretely in her Sword. She would have dearly loved to stay just a bit longer and watch the effects of her efforts first-hand, but alas, the risk was too great. Still, watching the news-coverage of the event a few days later was the most fun she had ever had. One of the rebels even managed to severely injure her target-to-be! The thought of how the UTF would have to deal with this little diplomatic crisis sent her into a gleeful cackle even several months after the event. Indeed, a group of mainly Alori rebelling to the point that it could be called terrorism created quite the little conflict between HBE and UTF. As expected, however, UTF eventually revealed the main schemer behind that particular act of resistance to be one Tsivari Khastae. And certainly, her departure had been somewhat sudden and suspicious enough. Nor was Tsivari to be found where HBE might have expected her (or [i]any[/i]where, for that matter). The HBE was first to set a bounty on Tsivari, and based on the amount, the Alori in question suspected the UTF had managed to convince the empire in one way or another that she had committed treason (which, to be fair, she had). Amusingly enough, UTF never revealed her original name (Ileshra Xanahir) in association with her appearance, understandably enough. They had barely managed to set their initial conflict upon HBE accusing them of terrorism, they could hardly afford to let it be known that the name (and identity of) Tsivari was anything but her true one. Of course, the UTF was more than happy to add to the bounty on Tsivari. And while she had to conceal her appearance and couldn’t stay in no one location for too long, she was more than happy to flaunt the name Ileshra, because she suspected that [i]some[/i] Alori, at the very least, must have known of the connection. And if they gave chase, she didn’t hesitate to shoot them down. She still keeps that suicide pill, both as a morbid good luck charm, as well as due to an honest unwillingness to be ever captured alive. [/hider]