[color=00aeef][center][h1]Chres Sansus[/h1][/center][/color] Interaction with [@Elevation], [@13Org], [@SonOfJet], [@HokumPocus] Mention of [@eclecticwitch] [hr] [color=6ecff6]"Can you still run, Chres?"[/color] Karina asked. Chres glanced down at his bad foot frowning. It felt as if someone had slammed a door on it. The pain was that of a rhythmic throb; it was probably in the process of swelling. He figured by night fall it would probably be horribly bruised. [color=6ecff6]"Try to preserve your strength... Things will only get harder from now on..."[/color] Chres watched as Karina and the rest began to cross to the next building. [color=6ecff6]"They will soon find out what happened... We may need to fight..."[/color] Chres followed the group over being the last to cross. Placing his good foot on the heat construct’s edge, he dissipated the makeshift bridge into the surrounding air. [color=00aeef]”I’ll manage... One way or another…”[/color] Chres said, limping his way quickly over to the next gap. The throbbing in his foot made him wince, but he said nothing of it. [color=00aeef]”Hopefully by the time they notice, we’ll be far enough away to not have to worry.”[/color] Chres placed his good foot down on the edge of the roof top. Stored heat traveled from his shirt, down his leg and into the air. Once again he Wove the flows of heat into another bridge. Chres gestured his companions to cross, watching as they did so. His felt his mind wander over to his familiar Sil. Her metal glass pendent still felt cold against his chest. She had yet to respawn. Why? The pendent had plenty of light. An uncomfortable thought crossed his mind. The thought of her never respawning. He hadn’t realized just how much her presence had come to comfort him. A welcome distraction from the dark thoughts inside him. Chres turned his gaze behind him to Octavio. Not only did the man have a familiar, but he was also able to create illusions. [color=00aeef]”Octavio, what do you know about familiars?”[/color] Chres asked, his hand unconsciously clasping the pendent. [color=00aeef]”Mine appears to be broken… I w-”[/color] A bit of movement caught Chres’s eyes making him cut himself off in midsentence. A dark skinned woman was climbing up onto the roof of a building behind them. [color=00aeef]”Karina, 5 o’clock. Female. Dark skinned.”[/color] [color=007236]“Karina?”[/color] Chres heard Hark ask inquisitively. [color=007236]“As in the daughter of…”[/color] Hark’s words trailed off in realization, his gaze turning to Karina as if seeing her for the first time. It was not a friendly look. Chres cursed under his breath. In that moment, he had forgotten Gin had given Karina a fake name.